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  1. C

    A gang rape of a 10 year old or gang bang with a consenting 10 year old?

    You can't westernise the God of Islam, he's omnipotent and omniscient :D
  2. C

    A gang rape of a 10 year old or gang bang with a consenting 10 year old?

    hoping she'll sleep with me coz i'm sad and lonely :(
  3. C

    A gang rape of a 10 year old or gang bang with a consenting 10 year old?

    hahaha myspace feminist and lesbian is fighting with random idiots on Boredofstudies... fucking dickhead pedophille cunts... how can they say that, that 10 yr old girl asked to be raped.... Because women's work is never done and is underpaid or unpaid or boring or repetitious...
  4. C

    A gang rape of a 10 year old or gang bang with a consenting 10 year old?

    i think you had caps lock on when you made that post
  5. C

    A gang rape of a 10 year old or gang bang with a consenting 10 year old?

    If anything it was probably what turned her into a slut :D
  6. C

    A gang rape of a 10 year old or gang bang with a consenting 10 year old?

    Abuse women all you like, calling someone a leftie is just going too far :D
  7. C

    A gang rape of a 10 year old or gang bang with a consenting 10 year old?

    It's only because the filthy abos are all addicted to petrol so they can't afford to eat :D
  8. C

    10 things to do before i die

    1. Hit that rock thingy they worship at Hajj with a sledgehammer only 1 because I won't live long after that :D
  9. C

    A gang rape of a 10 year old or gang bang with a consenting 10 year old?

    Or a wonderful precedent if you're Geoffrey Leonard :D
  10. C

    Regretting your course, regretting your choice of uni?

    if you don't like your course, transfer :D
  11. C

    Rules for Customers

    Yeah same lol I always feel sorry for their kids because they're likely to turn out the same :(
  12. C

    Rules for Customers

    In other words, treat them like children? :D
  13. C

    Are checkouts that bad?

    on the plus side, it's about the easiest job in the world :D
  14. C

    Dating rules

    the correct term was "bride price" i guess :D
  15. C

    Dating rules

    To earn a handsome dowry for your family :D
  16. C

    bfs and sex

    No, it's painful and degrading and everyone will think you're a dirty slut Don't ever do it!