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  1. C

    lol waf

    Do people somehow think social liberties are inextricably linked with poor economic management? :D
  2. C

    lol waf
  3. C

    lol waf

    Gay marriage, legal drugs and equal rights for everyone would be a good thing, that's the shit part, we get the more "left" (lol) option for once and none of that stuff will even happen anyway, just the rubbish like Kyoto and banning AWAs :D
  4. C

    2007 Federal Election - Coalition or Labor/Howard or Rudd?

    If we want Kevin 07 - 30 she is :burn:
  5. C

    2007 Federal Election - Coalition or Labor/Howard or Rudd?

    Joe Everyman won't be able to pay his mortage at all when union thugs stuff the economy and he loses his job as unemployment soars to record levels :(
  6. C

    lol waf

    Don't drop to their level! :D
  7. C

    lol waf

    It was :(
  8. C

    Rules for Customers

    that's really clever of you 'fixing the problem' like that :rolleyes: gobshite
  9. C

    I gained an interview for a UNISS scholarship, but I am a little torn.

    Just the first 3 years of uni, one year of work and then final year of uni, how it works sort of thing, they'll ask you that first. Yeah I guess. That's not essential, stuff like sports & hobbies and so on are good Yeah, voltage or power drops with V=IR on series and parallel circuits, the...
  10. C

    Rules for Customers

    Customers always believe the supervisor though But they don't know who the supervisor is, so I figured out they'll believe anything as long as they're told by someone other than the person serving them at the time :D
  11. C

    Australians pay $41 million for Catholic World Youth Day.

    I gave you a completely valid answer to your question stupid and like i said earlier, just because 'religion' is involved no one can be reasonable because they need to get worked up and express their hate :D
  12. C

    Federal election - Predictions

    I'm predicting a hung parliament.
  13. C

    The HSC Art syllabus: fundamentally flawed.

    haha I didn't do art and I know nothing about it but you're probably right. You should see the physics syllabus, you spend more time on the history of physics than actually doing some physics. No big surprises. Just learn to play the game (i.e. tell them what they want to hear) and work on...
  14. C

    beers in cans

  15. C

    ADF 'gap year'???

    I'd rather do that than go to Iraq :D
  16. C

    race, genetics and intelligence

    yeah my point wasn't about the studies i'm sure they're valid for what they are it's just the whole premise behind them is flawed :D
  17. C

    I gained an interview for a UNISS scholarship, but I am a little torn.

    Obviously you have to know what the format of the scholarship is Be prepared to talk about yourself a lot, in detail Have a whole pile of extracurricular activities that make you look like an upstanding community member, and if you don't I'd probably fake some, this is really important You'll...
  18. C

    race, genetics and intelligence

    It's more of a measure of your likeliness to succeed in western society, they admit that much. Still I think if they want to find a link between genetics and intelligence they should be looking at genes and the brain in different races rather than psychometric testing :D
  19. C

    race, genetics and intelligence

    One of the first links said that they were testing specifically for intelligence valued in western society :D
  20. C

    I'm interested in a 16 year old

    For most girls 2 years older is the minimum :D