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  1. C

    10 things to do before i die

    i dunno watch football at anfield, old trafford, wembley, san siro, nou camp, bernabeu, the maracana, la bombonera, el monumental and parkhead see i have a range of interests :D
  2. C

    Is Schoolies dominated by Anglos?

    Except those damn Jews, we don't put up with their bullshit.
  3. C

    What keeps the nucleus intact??

    gravity is by far the weakest force :D
  4. C

    Is Schoolies dominated by Anglos?

    Yeah but if you've never left certain areas of Sydney I suppose you'd be shocked to learn Australia's population is roughly 90% Anglo :D
  5. C

    BoS Federal Poll, minor 2PP

    Well under the CDP regime cursing will be punishable by a flogging.
  6. C

    BoS Federal Poll, minor 2PP

    Vote! Why choose the lesser of 2 evils when you can choose the greater of 2 evils? :D
  7. C

    No more Africans

    A White Australia is what I really want :D
  8. C

    2007 Federal Election - Coalition or Labor/Howard or Rudd?

    That's awful. To think most uni students will vote for it too. :@
  9. C

    sex position

    Or more likely, she's on you :D
  10. C

    Help, im pregnant and 15.

    it's true, go to any poor area and fucking every 19+ year old slut has a kid or is pregnant or both while the decent human beings are too busy uni'ing or similar to have kids :D
  11. C

    Help, im pregnant and 15.

    it'll stop the baby from being born with any more STDs :D
  12. C

    Federal election - Predictions

    But Turnbull is rich and therefore an inherently bad person
  13. C

    Rock Throwers - This time a 25 yr old! PETER HODGKIN!!

    It's legalese bleeding heart carrying on like this that's ruining our society and leading to soft penalties for serious offenses. What ever happened to good old common sense?
  14. C

    GIRLS, boys and manladies - boy/boy action, does it turn you on?

    boy/boy action only turns me on if i'm a participant :D EDIT: sup troll
  15. C


    oh great, thanks should be doing logic, topics & combinatorics next year & then algebra, number theory & topology in 09 :D
  16. C

    Top 100 University Courses by UAI

    Why have they got one "n/a" course at the top of the list then done the rest by UAI? By that rule shouldn't every medicine or non-uai-based course be at the top of the list? :rolleyes: EDIT: nah you're right, all science and engineering students really ARE anti-social drunken nerds...
  17. C

    The most you'd ever spend on a pair of jeans

    what you wear doesn't change what you are :D
  18. C

    Who is going to vote liberal?

    scare campaigns + middle class welfare = Australian Federal Elections :D
  19. C

    Would anyone ever hope for a recession?

    I'm hoping for a recession as it would help fight climate change by reducing the unsustainable growth of our economies. Australia is (literally) far too fat and disgusting and needs to have a smaller economy to put it in line with the rest of the world (per capita) in order to reduce our impact...
  20. C

    Who is going to vote liberal?

    He might think to himself "I should get a better job" :D