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  1. C

    MPs call for addicts' children to be adopted

    So, umm, why would you wan to place such an inept organization in control of half the money you earn? :o
  2. C

    MPs call for addicts' children to be adopted

    Why stop there? IMHO half the reason every generation of aussies is a bunch of uneducated bogans is because their parents were uneducated bogans. If we confiscate all bogan children we won't have this problem anymore :D also i think you'd like the family first party But what Australians...
  3. C

    Love pfft! just an exuse for guys to fu*k girls.

    I thought it was a shit troll but it still worked :D
  4. C

    Love pfft! just an exuse for guys to fu*k girls.

    You're doing it wrong :D
  5. C

    2007 Federal Election - Coalition or Labor/Howard or Rudd?

    No I'm quite capable of reading, you just haven't thought through the unintended consequences of what you said. See if only "thinkers" who are needed for "cultural advancement" attend university, this will always represent only a very small portion of the population, far smaller than the number...
  6. C

    2007 Federal Election - Coalition or Labor/Howard or Rudd?

    Your second paragraph is regressive because it implies that the majority of people don't deserve a university education. You fail hard.
  7. C

    Preliminary Results

    I never claimed to :D
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    Preliminary Results

    I'm pretty sure "isotope" just refers to any variation in the nucleus of an element whereas "radioisotope" refers specifically to those which are unstable and decay.
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    Preliminary Results

    Radioisotope: A version of a chemical element that has an unstable nucleus and emits radiation during its decay to a stable form. Radioisotopes have important uses in medical diagnosis, treatment, and research. A radioisotope is so-named because it is a radioactive isotope, an isotope being an...
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    would having a gf/bf during le HSC distract you?

    lol ur 15 imma report yr boyfriend for rape
  11. C

    Who here HATES water?

    Why drink water when you have Red Bull?
  12. C

    APEC police and their tactics, good or shit?

    Harry's got point as far as that cops in other countries, even "civilised" countries in Europe would do a hell of a lot worse to people than ours did. Also on the plus side we saw how much better the outcome was in Sydney compared to G20 in Melbourne where the police were ordered to do...
  13. C

    steroetyped bcoz of music?

    oddly enough the people who care most about the identity associated with a particular genre are also those who like listening to really bad music :D
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    steroetyped bcoz of music?

    who'd want to base their identity on a genre of music? :confused:
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    Kath & Kim

    I was forced to watch picoseconds of Kath and Kim tonight and I’ve figured out the central premise. It’s upper-middle class people making fun of lower-middle class people who are striving to be middle-middle class people. Now the predominate amount of upper-middle class people for the most part...
  16. C

    BArts ppl

    Don't you hate it when you realise your degree is useless :D yeah but places for teaching in those areas is pretty competitive
  17. C

    Neo-Nazism in Israel

    Perhaps the UN could condemn Israel for anti semitism :D
  18. C

    Real representative democracy

    You don't need tennis courts & swimming pools to get an education. It's as much about the culture of school and how & what is taught as anything else. EDIT: It goes back to when they brought in mass secondary schooling and decided they'd appropriate what they did in the rich academic schools...