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  1. C

    Two Million Australians live Below the Poverty Line

    You still haven't accounted for the fact that I think all the same stuff as them :D EDIT: You're totally in Piaget's pre-operational stage of thinking right there, if you want to go that way.
  2. C

    Marcel Marceau Dies...

    he had no last words :D
  3. C

    going down there...

  4. C

    going down there...

    eww gross!
  5. C

    Two Million Australians live Below the Poverty Line

    lol ad homs Well I think the underlying ideas behind socialism can work really well on a family level (parents provide for children) or a small community level (families help each other out), because it's voluntary, but when you try to enforce it across a whole nation it becomes wasteful...
  6. C

    Around 3 weeks to go - what position are you in?

    Re: :( You're in year 11 so how would you bloody know?
  7. C

    22 year old guy having sex with a 16 year old girl

    vehicle? well i'm certainly never having sex with you :D
  8. C

    22 year old guy having sex with a 16 year old girl

    could we have like 3 tiers of provisional licenses with expensive tests that don't have any measurable impact on safer sex? :D
  9. C

    Rules for Customers

    shut up ffs
  10. C

    How old/young is too old/young?

    Except the dole :cool:
  11. C

    How old/young is too old/young?

    Incidentally 16-23 year olds have also been done before, by the threadstarter :D
  12. C

    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    i'm pretty sure none of you exist outside my imagination
  13. C

    math love

    EDIT: too nerdy, didn't post.
  14. C

    worth appealing group marks?

    contact ACA and get on a story exposing how international students are ruining our unis you know it makes sense
  15. C

    math love

    This is how you do it: Proposition: Let V be an inner-product space, and v, w in V. If v is orthogonal to w, then ||v+w||² = ||v||² + ||w||². More generally, if v1, in V, and vi is orthogonal to vj wherever i is not equal to j, then ||(sum from 1 to n) vi ||² = (sum from 1 to...
  16. C

    e is irrational

    taylor series aren't in 3 unit :D
  17. C

    Sex pfft! just an exuse for girls to make guys say they love them.

    It's not real and only stupid boys and old lonely women fall for it. Sex is fake and we're expected to do it.
  18. C

    Britney and Madonna threatened: convert to Islam or get your heads chopped off

    George Bush once said "You're either with us, or with the terrorists". And this time, I'm with the terrorists :D