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    Rules for Customers

    Edited for truth :D
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    Who is going to vote liberal?

    I shoot, I vote :cool:
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    Who is going to vote liberal?

    The thought of Gillard, Garrett and Swan as Federal ministers should be enough to stop anyone from voting Labor although the equivalent didn't stop them winning NSW :(
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    Family First and BoS Member's Political Career Ruined

    He wanted to show a 14 year old girl that he was "easy to deepthroat" no seriously
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    Family First and BoS Member's Political Career Ruined

    Typical hypocritical wowsers. They expect us to live by their draconian standards, but think they're the exceptions to the rules. And isn't it discrimination for him to be sacked for what he does as a consenting adult? Ok, I know that unfair dismissal laws don't apply to politicians, that they...
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    Family First and BoS Member's Political Career Ruined

    They've been around for a while but this email must be a recent thing :D
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    The Football Thread

    Re: The Official A-League Thread. Sydney will finish 7th. Fact :D
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    Red bull

    If you don't like what it does to your teeth, just wait till you see what it does to your liver :D
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    Intriguing Question For The Ladies

    That's not true I like an Asian and I still hate niggers :D
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    DNA pioneer says black people less intelligent than whites

    poor people are less intelligent than rich :D
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    2007 Federal Election - Coalition or Labor/Howard or Rudd?

    [on the increase from $107 to $500 per week utility allowances) "Paul Versteege from the Combined Pensioners and Superannuants Association says while any extra money is welcomed, it is still not enough. "We welcome Mr Howard's commitment to a pensioner's standard of living but we stress...
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    HPT Hazard Perception Test

    Re: Green P's test... God I've got issues with this test, it doesn't feel or look much like actual driving and it's just so completely goddamned pointless, and there's like a whole entirely serious government department behind it that somehow manages to be completely oblivious to how absurd it...
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    She's hardly a headline hogger, she answered someone's question about a character honestly and obsessed fangirls made a big deal out of it. :D
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    Relationships & HSC

    Re: starting a relationship less than a month before HSC Only if you're dumb :D
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    Re: Dumbledore gay?? She hinted at it from the first chapter of PS, he wore high heel boots and purple cloaks ffs EDIT: The only downside I can see to this revelation is people dressing up as the poor guy at the Mardi Gras :D
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    linkin park live in sydney

    They should tour with Nickelback, that way they could have a 2 song concert :D
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    Should i get it or not?

    honda civic :D
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    Homosexuality in Australia

    To anyone using the think-of-the-children line... Don't you feel more sorry for the children of bogans? They have a more scarring upbringing in the sense that they're likely to end up poor and uneducated and, well, bogans. Like, at least a couple of decent human beings who happened to be of...
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    Are you a Screamer or are you quiet?

    American Baguette? :D