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  1. bored of sc

    Removal of Conics from Syllabus

    Is Conics hard? What does it involve?
  2. bored of sc

    fitzpatrick trigonometry problem

    Sorry for the confusion, I meant my is point D was your point E. So I changed D to E above since that is what I meant. E is the point formed where the water meets the tank at highest point of edge BC. Basically it is located where it says b.
  3. bored of sc

    Help with belonging question

    Read my speech and you will find out (seriously): Basically, it comes down to ourselves. What have you learnt in relation to belonging? Have you learnt morals which have enriched your understanding of the world and thus, your belief...
  4. bored of sc

    fitzpatrick trigonometry problem

    It's not the area, it's the relationship between the sides of the triangle to get a value for side BD. I'm using right-angled triangle trigonometry and remember that alternate angles means @ is also equal to the angle opposite side AC (a). Now we know that tan@ = opp/adj = AC/BE = a/BE...
  5. bored of sc

    HSC Assessment Marks/Ranks

    Namu, post up your ranks. It's obvious you are doing very well.
  6. bored of sc

    fitzpatrick trigonometry problem

    An open rectangular tank a units deep and b units wide holds water and is titled so that the base BC makes an angle of theta (@) with the horizontal. When BC is returned to the horizontal show that the depth of the water is (a2cot@)/2b units. AB = DC = a BC = b If you look at the...
  7. bored of sc

    Quadratic funtion and geometric calculus help?

    1. a3+b3 = (a+b)(a2-ab+b2) Now a2+b2 = (a+b)2-2ab Thus a3+b3 = (a+b)[(a+b)2-3ab] a+b = -b/a = -4/3 ab = c/a = -7/3 a3+b3 = (-4/3)[(-4/3)2-2(-7/3)] = -4/3(-16/9+14/3) = -4/3(-16/9+42/9) = -4/3(26/9) = -104/27 If my non-calculator skills are up to scratch. 2. f''(x) = 8x f'(x) =...
  8. bored of sc

    The Impact of Religious Dialogue on Multi-faith Australia.

    Unfortunately I am restricted since I'm following the textbook/notes which lies and says that religious dialogue is positive.
  9. bored of sc

    HSC Assessment Marks/Ranks

    Well, I did the first task. It doesn't count obviously (luckily cause I screwed it up) but it was good to do to see where I was at (or how my exam technique was going).
  10. bored of sc

    someone please explain

    School ranks = basis of 1/2 overall HSC mark HSC exam mark = Assessment mark and exam mark are averaged. Assessment mark is moderated due to your school rank in relation to fellow peers and students performance in the external exam.
  11. bored of sc

    09er's - Performance Survey

    For the person above, sorry. I've got no idea. But just for the record I'm a baritone vocalist. I'm into popular and rock music e.g. Coldplay, The Killers etc. I haven't had any professional training but I am in love with music. I hope to create musical masterpiece(s) for the HSC...
  12. bored of sc

    The Impact of Religious Dialogue on Multi-faith Australia.

    Explain the impact of religious dialogue in multi-faith Australia in relation to Christian Ecumenical movements AND interfaith dialogue. Australia is a multicultural, pluralistic society and there is no exception to this in terms of the diversity of religious affiliation. The variety of...
  13. bored of sc

    The Importance of the Land Rights Movement for Indigenous Australians.

    Here's an essay which might help you. It has specific reference to Mabo, Native Title and Wik. Explain the importance of the following for the Land Rights movement: Native Title Mabo Wik Indigenous Australians have struggled with the land rights battle since European invasion in 1788. The...
  14. bored of sc

    i got my first assessment mark back :S

    Don't be like that. You obviously went well. Just see we're you went wrong and you can go even better.
  15. bored of sc

    HSC Assessment Marks/Ranks

    Feel free to post up your results. For me so far: - Chemistry - 22/31 - 71% - 4th/10 - Maths - 37/48 - 77% - 10th/20ish - Extension 1 Maths - 32/36 - 89% - 1st/13
  16. bored of sc

    Study Discussion

    Re: Exams approaching too quickly...Advice required. Welcome to the HSC. It's gunna a rollercoaster of a ride (to use a cliche). Don't worry yourself. I did the same thing and realised how pointless it was. Do your best and that's all you can do.
  17. bored of sc

    Religion expression in Aus 1945 to pres

    1. After World War II there was an influx of Europeans, increasing Christianity. By the 60's after the demise of the White Australia Policy a variety of cultures migrated over to Australia contributing to all the major Non-Christian religious tradtions. 2. Immigration, denominational...
  18. bored of sc

    Binomial Questions?

    1) T4/T3 = (n-3+1)/3 * 4/3 = 4/3 n-2 = 3 n = 5 2) T3/T2 = (n-2+1)/2 * p = 90/15 n-1 = 12/p n = 12/p+1 = (12+p)/p # T2 = nC1.1n-1.(px)1 = 15 = n.1.p for values of n and p np = 15 (12+p)/p * p = 15 12+p = 15 p = 3 sub into # n = 15/3 n = 5 Check: (1+3x)5 =...
  19. bored of sc

    Binomial Theorem help

    56+55.33+53.35+36 = 25(212+1) 5-3 = 2 that's the relationship we could be trying to establish I'll come back later.