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  1. bored of sc

    Has anyone stuffed up term 4 assessments and managed to get over 90?

    That's cool. :) I got 55% in extension 2 maths :( and 71% in Chemistry -- so I'm definitely looking to improve those two.
  2. bored of sc

    Belonging is a process

    There are a series of (either physical, psychological, emotional, social, spiritual etc) stages which determine who, what, where, when, why and how someone belongs. For example: 1. Differentiation/classification. 2. Validation/justification. 3. Re-assessment/evaluation. 4...
  3. bored of sc

    How much study do u do in Holidays?

    In the middle is where I want to be too. Haven't started studying yet. Just a note to everyone: don't get hung up in having to finish x amount of topics in y amount of days. It's really not worth it. Just do a bit for continuity and revision purposes; if not do nothing. All will be well.
  4. bored of sc

    Notes: Typed Or Written?

    At the risk of this already being said, why not do BOTH? And use different formats so the knowledge sticks easier.
  5. bored of sc

    Belonging Thesis

    Definition: belonging is an umbrella term for the ways in which we associate, interact and relate to one another as human beings. Arguments - Belonging is a fabrication of the imagination; a pathway to social superiority. - Belonging is a battle between what is right and what is easy. -...
  6. bored of sc

    How much study has everyone done so far?

    NONE SO FAR but planning to do the following: Religion - read, notes for last bit of post-45 topic - fully revise/notes/syllabus English - belonging (text types, essays) - read/view etc all upcoming texts Maths - write out rules/methods (very brief), practise questions Chemistry -...
  7. bored of sc

    Belonging Thesis

    That's outstanding. Very logical, succinct and thematic.
  8. bored of sc

    Annual Award Ceremony

    I suddenly like school award ceremonies. I got a leadership award ($250) and essay/uni award ($100). So lucky. :) I also got dux of year 11 (the equivalent award). I'm not worthy though. There are so many people who are better than me.
  9. bored of sc

    has any1 had any assessments yet?

    Complex Numbers test - worth 15% - 22/40 - 55% :cold: - rank 1/3 (one of these people are dropping for sure). Not even sure if I should be doing extension 2. But I wanna persist and rise to the challenge.
  10. bored of sc

    Extension One Revising Game

    Oh yeah, start with a triangle.
  11. bored of sc

    2008 HSC School Rankings

    Re: Top 200 Schools - Daily Telegraph 93. Same as last year I think.
  12. bored of sc

    Just A Little Advice To High Achievers

    What's the scaling of music 1 like usually?
  13. bored of sc

    Extension One Revising Game

    So are you sure it's correct?
  14. bored of sc

    Belonging Thesis

    Belonging does not exist - it is a creation of the imagination.
  15. bored of sc

    Extension One Revising Game

    (1) n = 1, x = sum of exterior angles, s = sum of interior angles = (n-2)180 x+s = 180n x = 180n-s x = 180*1-(1-2)180 = 180+180 = 360 So true for n = 1 (2) Assume true for n = k 180k-(k-2)180 = 360 (3) Prove true for n = k+1 x = 180(k+1)-(k+1-2)180 = 180k+180-180k-180+360 =...
  16. bored of sc

    calculus and curve sketching q's

    y = (2x-1)-1 y' = -(2x-1)-2*2 = -2/(2x-1)2 since we are given the point (2,1/3) sub in x=2 into the derivative to find the gradient of the TANGENT y' = -2/32 = -2/9 now the normal is perpendicular to the tangent i.e. m(tangent)*m(normal) = -1 so -2/9*m = -1 m = 9/2 = 4.5...
  17. bored of sc

    calculus and curve sketching q's

    4. y = 2x2-7x+5 y' = 4x-7 Now for this tangent to be parallel to the line y = 5x-2 they must each have the same gradient i.e. a gradient of 5. So 4x-7 = 5 4x = 12 x = 3 when x = 3 y = 2*9-7*3+5 = 2 therefore the point on the curve is (3,2)
  18. bored of sc

    calculus and curve sketching q's

    y = x-1 y' = -x-2 when x=2 y' = -(2)-2 = -1/22 = -1/4 when x=2 y = 1/2 thus, m = -1/4 at the point (2,1/2) Now use the one point formula: y-1/2 = -1/4(x-2) 4y-2 = -x+2 x+4y-4 = 0
  19. bored of sc

    Difference between prelim and HSC marks??

    As Namu said, it's way too hard to tell. But they usually stay relatively similar if you put in the same amount of work/study. OFF TOPIC: Namu, outstanding Maths result. Well done. You deserve it.
  20. bored of sc

    The Immigrant Chronicles - Peter Szkrynecki. Related Materials?

    Try a text with a heavily cultural context e.g. 'The Craic' starring Jimeoin.