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  1. bored of sc

    equations for "recent discoveries of elements"

    Check wikipedia - the most recent I could find were 1994.
  2. bored of sc

    Complex Numbers

    Thanks for the encouragement. I try really hard but it seems sometimes it doesn't quite seem to do justice when I get my results back. Anyways, enough about me, how is Extension 2 Maths going for you Namu? Are you cruising along nicely? On the thread topic, are my answers (rounded and...
  3. bored of sc

    pre-permutation/combination help??

    That's the answer. Good work.
  4. bored of sc

    pre-permutation/combination help??

    Only 2 semesters make up a year, so there are 8 subjects: i.e. not credit = 1 -credit = 1 -0.4 = 0.6 (0.6)8 = 0.01679616 = 1.7%
  5. bored of sc

    Complex Numbers

    jm01 you are so intelligent, I'm just gunna go hide under a rock now.
  6. bored of sc

    Complex Numbers

    I'm assuming these are together: Let @ and & be roots @+& = -b/a = 0 @ = -& -@ = & Let roots now be @ and -@ @*& = -@*@ = -@2 = -7-24i @2 = 7+24i @ = (7+24i)1/2 x = +(25cis73o44')1/2 since @ and -@ are roots 7+24i = 25cis73.73979529...o x = +5cis37o (nearest degree)
  7. bored of sc

    Complex Numbers

    (x³+1)² + 3 = 0 (x3+1)2 = -3 x3+1 = +rt3i x3 = -1+rt3i x = (-1+rt3i)1/3 In mod-arg form |x| = rt(4) = 2 arg(x) = tan-1(+rt3/-1) = +pi/3 so x = (2cis(+pi/3))1/3 x = 21/3cis(+pi/9) maybe...
  8. bored of sc

    Complex Numbers

    Solve: (x³+1)² + 3 = 0 Three ways of doing this I know: 1) Solve as a normal equation. 2) Difference of two squares by changing 3 to -3i2. 3) Expanding and making a substitution i.e. x3 = m. The answer is messy... :(
  9. bored of sc

    Find the value

    Damn, thanks. Haha, I don't know what I was thinking.
  10. bored of sc

    Find the value

    tan2x = sin2x/cos2x = sec2x/cosec2x = (1+tan2x)/(1+cot2x) maybe change tan2x to cot2(90-x) for half of them (i.e. up to 43o) and use cot2x = (1+cot2x)/(1+tan2x). tan21 = sin21/cos21 = cos289/sin289 sin289 = 1-cos289 WORKING starts here: sin21/sin289 + sin23/sin287 + ... +...
  11. bored of sc

    09er's - Performance Survey

    Wow, some awesome results there. :)
  12. bored of sc

    identify αnd describe two recent discoveries of elements ><"

    Select appropriate sub-forum/section/subject and click on 'New Thread' located in top-left corner area of the page just below 'User CP'.
  13. bored of sc

    identify αnd describe two recent discoveries of elements ><"

    [mass number - element/symbol/subatomic particle - atomic number] 1) 269 - Darmstadtium - 110 (Ds) was discovered in 1994 at Darmstadt, Germany. Its discovery is summarised in the following equation - this occurred in a nuclear reactor: 208 Pb 82 + 62 Ni 28 --> 269 Ds 110 + 1 n 0 2)...
  14. bored of sc

    Most Loved, Hated and Boring Subject

    Love: Music. Hate: Chemistry. Boring: Religion.
  15. bored of sc

    Differentiation of loagrithms

    I haven't done this topic yet but I reckon you might have to simplify first i.e. y = tan3x/cosx
  16. bored of sc

    Practice Essay Questions for Belonging

    Re: Essay Topics With your topic, I suggest you be specific and create a thesis statement which is related but not identical to the topic. E.g. While belonging remains an essential human need, instincts can be abandoned due to the strong external influences of society. This results in...
  17. bored of sc

    How much study do u do in Holidays?

    That's still very solid. Trust me.
  18. bored of sc

    Has anyone stuffed up term 4 assessments and managed to get over 90?

    Were you ranked 1st internally at the end of the year?
  19. bored of sc

    Has anyone stuffed up term 4 assessments and managed to get over 90?

    Wow, that's a relief. I'm ranked 1st but there's only 3 of us and one girl is dropping - so 2. I'm just disappointed since the test was relatively straight forward but I choked under exam pressure. But yeah, from your experience it sounds very promising. I'm starting to love all this...