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  1. bored of sc

    Peter Skrzynecki

    Yes. But I will find them first.
  2. bored of sc

    School Certificate Help.

    Read the threads labelled IMPORTANT.
  3. bored of sc

    Relaxation- How do you do it?

    Surfing, skating, swimming at the beach, watching easy to access films (i.e. simple plots).
  4. bored of sc

    How Do i Analyse a Webpage?

    Sounds like Physics.
  5. bored of sc

    Question about Mid-Year Exams?

    Next term it will probably be just one.
  6. bored of sc

    The Arrival by Shaun Tan

    Either. It's your choice. It would be favourable to refer to the fact you are using an image from a picture book (i.e. there more images which you aren't using) should you choose a single image from the text.
  7. bored of sc

    The Arrival by Shaun Tan

    Re: The Arrival The Area of Study i.e. belonging is common to both standard and advanced english.
  8. bored of sc

    Extension One Revising Game

    New question: (i) Factorise a3+b3 (ii) Hence, or otherwise, show that (sin3@+cos3@)/(sin@+cos@) = (2-sin2@)/2
  9. bored of sc

    Extension One Revising Game

    Create tangents at A and Q, labelling their intersection Y. Extend the tangent at P past R, label the intersection with other tangent (at A) Z. QY = AY (tangents to exterior point equal, larger circle) PZ = AZ (similarly, for the smaller circle) hence triangle YQA and ZPA are isosceles (pair of...
  10. bored of sc

    find sum

    You posted something similar to this, except it had tan's in it. Post it in the extension 2 maths forum. If I remember correctly the solution required complex numbers.
  11. bored of sc

    Practice Essay Questions for Belonging

    Strong human spirits are essential for belonging. What is your point of view? Write a persuasive response with reference to your prescribed text and at least TWO related texts of your own choosing.
  12. bored of sc

    Extension One Revising Game

    I tried doing the above question and falied. Here's another from Fitzpatrick: Two chords AB and CD of a circle meet when produced at a point P outside the circle. Prove that triangle ADP and triangle CBP are similar.
  13. bored of sc

    Extension One Revising Game

    Oh! You want the argument of zn to be kpi so the sin@ = 0 and thus 'i' disappears. arg(z) = 75 and arg(zn) = kpi = narg(z) = 75n So, 75n = kpi where k is any integer. Now is it just guess and check? k not 0 since n = 0, which isn't a positive integer k not less than 0 since n < 0, which...
  14. bored of sc

    Shawshank Redemption as a Related Text

    Films? 'The Craic' starring Jimeoin. It's a comedy. It's about the journey of two illegal immigrants. Perfect related text for the whole 'cultural' dilemma of being immigrant, issues of racism/stereotypes, government control etc.
  15. bored of sc

    English Assessment - Belonging

    Have you got a copy of the lyrics? Can you use the music video/film clip? Language techniques include first person narration, repetition, colloquial language (e.g. wanna, cuz (as in be'cause')), rhetorical questions, rhyme etc. The idea of personal detachment from oneself, others and the...
  16. bored of sc

    Extension One Revising Game

    Can you guys post up an easier question from an area like circle geometry or trigonometry?
  17. bored of sc


    Same method we learnt.
  18. bored of sc

    Extension One Revising Game

    z = rt2/2*cis75 cos(75) = cos(45+30) = cos45*cos30-sin45*sin30 = 1/rt2*rt3/2-1/rt2*1/2 = (rt3-1)/2rt2 sin(75) = sin(45+30) = sin45*cos30+sin30*cos45 = 1/rt2*rt3/2+1/2*1/rt2 = (rt3+1)/2rt2 z = rt2/2*{[(rt3-1)/2rt2]+[(rt3+1)/2rt2]i} = 2rt2/4*{[(rt6-rt2)/4]+[(rt6+rt2)/4]i} = (2rt12-4)/16 +...
  19. bored of sc

    Extension One Revising Game

    Derive the quadratic formula by completing the square Hint: begin with ax2+bx+c = 0
  20. bored of sc

    Extension One Revising Game

    a) |z1| = sqrt(2) arg(z1) = pi/4 |z2| = 2 arg(z2) = -pi/6 z1/z2 = {sqrt(2)cis[pi/4]}/{2cis[-pi/6]} = [sqrt(2)/2]*cis[5pi/12]