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  1. bored of sc

    Belonging related texts

    Family Stone.
  2. bored of sc

    UAI estimates

    98.50 It is realistic if I knuckle down. I would to keep my options open for University since I am unsure about what to study. I want to achieve it because I like school and have tried my hardest thus far.
  3. bored of sc

    Hsc Marathon 2009 - Chemistry

    New question: What is general formula for an alcohol? Justify your answer with an example e.g. ethanol.
  4. bored of sc

    Hsc Marathon 2009 - Chemistry

    Not completely sure. Since the chains are branched it means there is more space between neighbouring polymers. This implies there is a relatively low amount of matter from the polymer occupying a specific volume, hence a low density. In terms understandable, they are not packed closely...
  5. bored of sc

    Mathematics Marathon

    32x+2-180*3x+729 = 0 32x*9-180*3x+729 = 0 9(3x)2-180(3x)+729 = 0 Let 3x = m 9m2-180m+729 = 0 m2-20m+81 = 0 m = [20+sqrt(202-4*1*81)]/2 = [20+sqrt(76)]/2 = [20+2*sqrt(19)]/2 = 10+sqrt(19) 3x = m 3x = 10+sqrt(19) x = log3[10+sqrt(19)] Not sure since I haven't done the logarithms unit yet.
  6. bored of sc

    Does General scale really badly?

    If you do well scaling won't affect you much. But the scaling is average for general maths I believe.
  7. bored of sc


    What are the Syllabus Outcomes For This Module? Quote: This module requires students to engage with and develop an informed personal understanding of their prescribed text. Through critical analysis and evaluation of its language, content and construction, students will develop an appreciation...
  8. bored of sc

    Do Chemistry and Food Tech relate?

    Yes. But I don't think they compliment each other that well.
  9. bored of sc

    2008 HSC School Rankings

    93rd. Top school on the North Coast. :)
  10. bored of sc

    All Rounders List

    3 people from my school got on there.
  11. bored of sc

    Module C: History and Memory.

    We're doing Smithsonian Institute of American History. It is a website.
  12. bored of sc

    What would you guys give this story out of 15?

    +1 That's exactly what I mean. You're very smart.
  13. bored of sc

    Back to Skool

    Thursday 29th January.
  14. bored of sc

    which is harder to attain a B6 in Eng std or Eng Adv

    Theoretically wouldn't it be easier to achieve a band 6 in Standard?:confused:
  15. bored of sc

    everyones studying? ahh

    No need for pre year-11 study. I did none and went well in preliminary (too bad I'm going average in the HSC).
  16. bored of sc

    One of those "HELP 10 or 12 units!!" thread.

    10 if you are confident. 12 if you need a kind of safety netting.
  17. bored of sc

    what are the aspects of belonging?

    Whatever you want them to be. Here's what I think: Passive Active Similiarities Stereotypes Driven by process Alienation Relationships Identity Comparison Exclusivity Prejudices Associations Uniqueness Longing etc etc
  18. bored of sc

    need info on "In the Folk Museum"

    Tone is the composer's attitude towards the topic. For this particular poem I'd say detached, ambiguous, depressed and confused. Be sure to back up your opinion with examples/techniques though.
  19. bored of sc

    What would you guys give this story out of 15?

    Excellent criticism everyone. I am staying in the present tense and will edit carefully and repost. Cheers.
  20. bored of sc

    What would you guys give this story out of 15?

    Ghost Town The hardest part is starting. But as the wheels hit the concrete and my limbs loosen, I become free. It is a freedom which reactivates my senses and resonates with my soul. Weaving, carving, sliding; I leave an intricate path behind me as if I am a snake. Autonomously I continue...