Search results

  1. Shadowdude

    Some questions: AAA, MGMT1001 and Statistics

    Yes, you did. Just contact the Scholarships office to confirm what you have to do. ECON1203? That isn't real maths like... at all - that's nothing compared to what real statistics is, so you can't base your decision based on that subject. Also may I ask how you take a maths major in Com/Eco...
  2. Shadowdude

    Some questions: AAA, MGMT1001 and Statistics

    Also, I got AAA. So my personal experience was: hand it in to the people in the Scholarship's office.
  3. Shadowdude

    book recommendations??

    I developed an appreciation for SOC eventually, but first time my class of 10 read it - we were all like: "No, just no." Many lunch times sitting quietly trudging through the book with friends. My point was if you don't have the appreciation for it, and think your SOC is bad, then Mrs...
  4. Shadowdude

    Transfer plan from Comm --> Comm/Law

    For Law, they have 100 spots guaranteed. That's from the UNSW Internal Program Transfer website. I don't know about the WAM requirements but 85 I'd say is a minimum you'd want. Yes, see this: Plus no fails.
  5. Shadowdude

    Some questions: AAA, MGMT1001 and Statistics

    Either I think. But you're going to O-Week, right? Just go to the Scholarships office and send it in, in person - if you're going to be in the area soon. Just check there's no expiry date or anything on the form. For least hassle for you, maybe just email them back and if they don't accept it -...
  6. Shadowdude

    BRB robbing swiss bank to pay for public transport in NSW for my education

    I like the $30.50 a week. I remember when I had to go to uni on Saturday, and because I had a MyMulti - I could take the extra train and bus ride on a day I don't usually go to uni, for "free". Also meant that if my friends and I have adventures, including spur-of-the-moment trips to random...
  7. Shadowdude

    A few questions

    Not really, there are a few free. They're kind of hidden though - not everyone knows they exist.
  8. Shadowdude

    Free Electives and General Education

    Sounds right, yeah. Free electives are anything you want - as long as you meet prerequisites.
  9. Shadowdude

    The UNSW Textbook Buy/Sell Thread

    It'll help you with MATH1131/1141, with Calculus. It's a source of extra questions - but... if you're not pursuing it, it's not really useful. I used it as a reference if I didn't understand something in the course notes or lecture notes, but that was very rare.
  10. Shadowdude

    A few questions

    1. Yes, but have fun being at uni for like six years. 2. Yes, you have to hire them out though. Ask Arc how to hire them.
  11. Shadowdude

    Year 12 2013 Chit Chat Thread

    It's best 2 units of English. If 3u and 4u are better, they make them your "best 2 units" which are automatically counted.
  12. Shadowdude

    Transfer plan from Comm --> Comm/Law

    WAM average of 75 to be considered It's not guaranteed. So the best you can do is to try your hardest, and hope you get in. The higher your WAM, the higher your chances.
  13. Shadowdude

    who is good in math/science but SHIT AT ENGLISH?

    Like... most Asian students - if the stereotypes are true?
  14. Shadowdude

    First Year Engineering

    Your lecturer may release MATH1141 past exam papers on Moodle or Blackboard (like an online site where you download lecture notes, etc.) Also, the Mathematics Society have a lovely set of MATH1141 past class test solutions too - which you'll find very helpful.
  15. Shadowdude

    UNSW O-Week Meat 2013

    Oh but public might mean non-BoSers crash But if you guys want... Personally I prefer the "Hi, your username is...?" awkwardness that ensues first time people meet :p
  16. Shadowdude

    Complex Numbers Help :)

    Are you sure it's a square?
  17. Shadowdude

    UNSW O-Week Meat 2013

    They usually put them in one particular area. Just don't walk in that area if you want to avoid them :p The rest of the Main Walkway is perfectly fine though.
  18. Shadowdude

    UNSW O-Week Meat 2013

    Monday? Well, that's the first real suggestion we've had - so I guess Monday it is then! That'd exclude the not-18 BoSers so much... <_< remember guys, this year's theme is: "Inclusion".
  19. Shadowdude

    book recommendations??

    You want to know how bad Stream of Consciousness is? Read "Mrs Dalloway" by Virginia Woolf. Forty pages for her to walk to the shop to get flowers. FORTY PAGES.
  20. Shadowdude

    USYD vs UNSW for Bachelor of COMMERCE

    Don't you get like Honours Third Class or Second Class?