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  1. Shadowdude

    Changing subjects for year 11?

    Do what you like. In this case, Business Studies.
  2. Shadowdude

    My School is ranked below 600th.....

    My school was ranked over 600. I still got over 95. Dux got 98. It's just being in the very top of your class, and doing very well. But as said before, these rankings are volatile at that "level". So my year had the ranking jump to 230-odd, the year before that was like 600 (I think it was...
  3. Shadowdude

    Maths in an economics degree

    Yeah, and I stand by that. Maths in Economics is a bit more difficult. You do simultaneous equations too. 2u is fine for Economics, however.
  4. Shadowdude

    Uni ID and Concession Card.

    I came in to the FM Assist office on like 3 hours sleep - asked for my photo. Told me to sit down, so I thought, "Wow, how nice - I can sit down while I wait for my ID card to be--" "Sir, please look into the camera." "What? No, no, I'm not even--" and that is why my ID photo is bad
  5. Shadowdude

    Changing Subjects?

    So you want to drop Extension Maths for Mathematics because "the questions are easier". Well of course they're easier. I don't really see any reason for dropping Extension Maths. You don't learn from your teacher, so you learn it yourself. You can do the questions too. So what's the problem?
  6. Shadowdude

    "Ofc I realise it's different" Sure you do...

    "Ofc I realise it's different" Sure you do...
  7. Shadowdude

    Uni ID and Concession Card.

    "person of interest" "suspicious person"
  8. Shadowdude

    Uni ID and Concession Card.

    i look like a terrorist on mine ID card photos are supposed to be bad.
  9. Shadowdude


    Umm... go to classes? Do your work? Make friends? Prepare for massive amounts of stair-climbing? You'll really have to be more specific...
  10. Shadowdude

    The Tennis Thread

    Re: The Official Tennis Thread He keeps it up, he'll have the entirety of Australia cheering against him a la Anthony Mundine.
  11. Shadowdude

    The Cricket Thread

    Re: The Official Cricket Thread Turned on TV at around 3, was somewhat annoyed that I missed the first bit - though I thought I wouldn't have missed much. nek minnit all out for 70 Also lol at Maxwell (?) playing Stick Cricket IRL first over.
  12. Shadowdude

    Exam stress and sillies. How to eradicate them?

    I do it - but I cover my working for the first time so I'm not influenced. And if you make the same mistake twice then... well, that's just a shame. Especially when you're checking work, you're rushed for time or under some sort of time pressure so you can't really go as slow as you'd like.
  13. Shadowdude

    A few questions

    On your handbook, there's a "max UoC per semester". Mine is 27. Any higher and you have to apply for overload.
  14. Shadowdude

    O-Week Extreme

    Isn't it something where you all get put into a team and then you all do games against other teams in some sort of competition - and... it's all just for fun and you just meet people and make friends?
  15. Shadowdude

    Bus routes to/from central st./unsw

    391 is the next best thing though. 391 follows the exact same route to uni as the 891 but it just keeps going along Anzac Parade. 393 and 395 go weird ways through Surrey Hills (sp?)
  16. Shadowdude

    you do realise uac cut-offs and internal transfers are different right (oh wait, you don't)

    you do realise uac cut-offs and internal transfers are different right (oh wait, you don't)
  17. Shadowdude

    "could do that in my sleep" yeah you wish - i've heard about your marks

    "could do that in my sleep" yeah you wish - i've heard about your marks
  18. Shadowdude

    Likes/Dislikes about UNSW

    That's the smell of beer, and good times partying intertwined. Get used to it. It's the smell... of uni life. :p
  19. Shadowdude

    late round offer: helpp!! law@UTS or commerce @UNSW

    Stream? That might be the major. You'll have to post the link so we can read it in context.
  20. Shadowdude

    A few questions

    In Commerce? Yeah. Like 5% or 10%.