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  1. t0mmy

    Just a little observation on terrorists

    Lets have a look at the middle easterners, they are divided into 3 main religions: Christianity Islam Judaism People of all 3 faiths arrive on Australian shores. Christians are working hard, not committing crimes. Jews are working hard, running businesses, not committing crimes...
  2. t0mmy

    Terror raids

    far out, you're impossible. What I was trying to say was it doesn't take very long, when you have 4+ blood thirsty, terrorist-related savages going at you full on, to end up all bloodied and bruised. THEN, after this short amount of time, his white brothers came to his aid. This is the only...
  3. t0mmy

    Terror raids

    but how come we christians never take the passages from the bible out of context and act on them? You should also note that Islam tends to take a lot of its passages literally. Ie; "Wear the religion on your head" being the reason for the headscarves.
  4. t0mmy

    Terror raids

    why are such passages only "taken out of context" in the Koran?
  5. t0mmy

    Terror raids

    lmao, good observation. I'd like to see them do the same thing to a bricklayer or a concreter, rather than a cameraman. See how well they go then.
  6. t0mmy

    Terror raids

    Because those bloody thirsty terrorists had about 8 fists punching him in the face. Telling me you would walk away from this clean? Seeing them punch the cameraman made me think "wow, what a pack of savages". I'm sure A LOT of people around this country that see that are thinking that, if not...
  7. t0mmy

    Terror raids

    boy it sure is hard to think you were raised in an educated country. There is a difference between INITIATING a fight and DEFENDING YOURSELF OR ANOTHER THAT NEEDS HELP in a fight. And people did come to the camera man's aid, fool.
  8. t0mmy

    Terror raids

    yeah and they'd like it because it doesn't require much balls Why can't these people just settle down and enjoy life?
  9. t0mmy

    Terror raids

    and damn this non-halal meat is good!!!
  10. t0mmy

    Terror raids

    as much as i dislike you and your buggered up religion, i'd advise against saying stuff like that even if you are joking.
  11. t0mmy

    Terror raids

    notice me or my friends do not launch ANY violent pre emptive attacks on muslims whatsoever, only in retaliation and in self defense for myself or another non muslim brother, which fortunately for muslims, we have not had to do yet. You are also highlighting that even though so many of us...
  12. t0mmy

    Terror raids

    haha, oh yes we are. Step outside this forum for one day of your life and get to know the people of Australia really well -- then they won't be afraid to say that they despise islam and anyone that follows it. Or you can trek up to the northern suburbs of melbourne, where all those terrorists...
  13. t0mmy

    Terror raids

    Oh I'm much more psychotic, but I'm smarter and do it for the right cause :)
  14. t0mmy

    Terror raids

    i couldn't help but notice that one woman on the news: "i've never been to lebanon, but i swear dese people are making me hate this country". GOOD! We hate you too! Do yourself, and us, a favor and get the hell out. Fuck I wish me and my skinhead bros were at the court where those filthy...
  15. t0mmy

    Terror raids

    awesome, 9 less muslims on melbourne's streets.
  16. t0mmy

    Where do you stand?

    RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT calling me a racist and a nationalist is a compliment mate. Wanna piss me off? Say that I'm an egalitarian, pacifist, communist :)
  17. t0mmy

    Islam Discussion

    you are extremely misguided :)
  18. t0mmy

    Islam Discussion

    the only reason why Muslims are not dominating is because a lot of them are very foolish. America dominates the world and is nowhere near the world's largest country by population.
  19. t0mmy

    Any bodybuilders in here?

    gese man awesome job!! 7kgs is a killer weight to gain for me, and i'm not ecto. You must have a lot of dedication. good job dude
  20. t0mmy

    Any bodybuilders in here?

    lol shit sorry i for some reason automatically assumed you were from victoria. evidently that's not the case :P nevermind what are your stats anyway? I won't say my stats, i havent worked out since july but when i left off i was 5'7, 72kgs. 15" arms, not sure about the rest, approx 11-12%...