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  1. C

    Real representative democracy

    But command economies do because everyone is too busy starving to help each other :D
  2. C

    Real representative democracy

    That's good, I don't claim that it does, capitalism is more likely to get rid of racism since a business only disadvantages itself by discriminating on the basis of race. My point was about minorities & poor people being disadvantaged in public schools, which they are. I meant that as being a...
  3. C

    Real representative democracy

    Don't make me start listing journal articles you cunt
  4. C

    Real representative democracy

    Well at the moment what do we have? Public schools that are so shit that parents: - only send their kids to them because it's the law - only pay for them because it's the law (tax) Not to mention the fact that private school attendance is increasing by the year, (indicating both that we're...
  5. C

    Long distance relationship read it, trust me

    lol @ waiting a year & 10 months then giving up with only 8 weeks to go :D
  6. C

    Real representative democracy

    Will real democracy always lead to a government that reflects the prejudices of the uneducated masses in a given society? Would middle eastern countries always just elect theocrats, etc. ==> Everyone needs to be well educated before it could work :D
  7. C

    School matter THAT much?

    Well in the technical sense if you're ranked first in every subject then school ceases to matter since you're 100% in control with your own HSC Exam marks. At the same time clearly you can't expect to do as well as someone in a vastly superior school.
  8. C

    George Bush "APEC? OPEC? Thanks Austria"

    Q Mark Riley (phonetic) for Seven Network Australia. Mr. President, welcome to Sydney. PRESIDENT BUSH: Thank you, sir. Q I can assure you it doesn’t always look like this, with steel fences and concrete barricades and armed guards on the street. But I wonder, is the—...
  9. C

    Bachelor of Education (Primary)

    As a first year education student who has read fellow students' work I'd like to confirm those comments to be true. :D
  10. C

    Question about distributions between students

    Well I'll explain from the start In your school everyone does assessment tasks, and you get your marks and ranks from school assessments. In these, the ranks are more important than the marks. In the external HSC exam, everyone gets an exam mark. Someone gets a highest mark in your...
  11. C

    George Bush "APEC? OPEC? Thanks Austria"

    To be fair he made a fool of several lefty journalists who tried to provoke him :D
  12. C

    What's wrong with this notation?

    It doesn't work that way EDIT: Because that's 5 as a function, not a variable :D
  13. C

    APEC Protests

    Hu is worse than Bush on every point but the commies won't protest him :D
  14. C

    How many significant figures?

    As many as the question gives you the original data to, since any more and it's completely meaningless :D
  15. C

    APEC Protests

    STOP HU JINTAO Protect human rights Stop Climate Change End the occupation of Tibet :D
  16. C

    APEC Protests

    STOP BUSH Protect workers' rights Stop Climate Change End the Occupation of Iraq :rolleyes:
  17. C

    the current english course is a waste of time, true or false

    If you want a one-on-one pay me 2 grand and I'll take you to a private booth, no touching her though :D
  18. C

    the current english course is a waste of time, true or false

    Not when Without Wings is around :D
  19. C

    Are there too many Internationals at UNI these days?

    Silly white people and their concern for other humans :D
  20. C

    When Will You Move Out?

    When I finish uni and obtain a full time job (should happen around the same time) EDIT: coz that job will most likely be in Bourke or somewhere equally ridiculous :D