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  1. C

    giving oral ?

    Is it wrong that I'm aroused by the idea? :D
  2. C

    giving oral ?

    That's okay, as long as you let him shoot on yr face :D
  3. C

    giving oral ?

    bite it hard
  4. C

    emo guys different?

    shut up you goth emo fag
  5. C

    SRC Elections '07

    Do curries always just vote for other curries because they're curries? :D
  6. C

    the current english course is a waste of time, true or false

    It's a social construct not biological you retards, deal with it :D
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    Intelligence: Do you care?

    Yeah but there's some real idiots out there :D
  8. C

    SRC Elections '07

    Stop world change! :D
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    teacher suspended for calling Howard a dick

    We should shoot those that make light of our nation's leaders.
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    APEC - What do we get out of it?

    We get the amusement of Communists being offended by a wall through a city :D
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    Emma Watson (Hermione) to be new face of Chanel.

    They should have chosen you :rolleyes:
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    Andrew Johns

    Bipolar??? Mental illness is a myth, back in my day (the 50's) there was no such thing, and if anyone was whiny or depressed we'd just give them a good beating and that'd fix the problem.
  13. C

    The Abortion Debate (continued)

    No I'm pretty sure one can objectively determine that black people have different coloured skin to white people, I mean that's not a belief that's just fucking obvious. EDIT: I'm pretty sure Dan meant race as in the actual differences I referred to not some 10 page sociological definition of...
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    the current english course is a waste of time, true or false

    Yes I was able to comprehend your post. I have to wonder what it is this hypothetical fellow writes essays about, though. I should make clear what I mean by literacy. In kindergarten, literacy is being able to recognise individual letters, eg. this is an "a". Then we move on to words, which...
  15. C

    the current english course is a waste of time, true or false

    Yes, I think so. We ought to be able to expect a certain level of literacy in tertiary students, and isn't that what a UAI is for?
  16. C

    The Abortion Debate (continued)

    How about Race is a set of skin-deep physical differences between people determined in a biological manner whilst religion is a set of beliefs one can choose whether to hold or not :rolleyes:
  17. C

    IMPORTANT! : How is english scaled?

    Several people have got them :rolleyes: Don't believe what your teachers tell you, they probably haven't known how scaling/aligning works for 30 years, if ever.