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  1. C

    the current english course is a waste of time, true or false

    ...because it was filled with information about how to set a test that was compatible with computer marking. Stop using sources dishonestly :D
  2. C

    validate the law of universal gravitation

    It could refer to the Cavendish experiment but that's certainly not in the Syllabus.
  3. C

    validate the law of universal gravitation

    a useful experiment may be to jump and discern whether or not one returns to earth.
  4. C

    Andrew Johns

    You don't think Fittler does coke too?
  5. C

    the current english course is a waste of time, true or false

    That's still not quite right :D Whether HSC English teaches you to "write essays" or not depends a lot on the teacher (we were never taught how to write essays as such, they just told us our attempts were really bad). The overall purpose of HSC English is not to teach you to be a better...
  6. C

    IMPORTANT! : How is english scaled?

    They scale identically and they've always scaled identically and they always will scale identically :D EDIT: Although it depends on whether you're talking about aligning (what they do with hsc papers and in-school assessment results) or actual scaling (What uac does with hsc marks to make the...
  7. C

    Andrew Johns

    And I just wish shocked old people would realise that all these overpaid bogans are doing the same thing :rolleyes: :D
  8. C

    Teachers federation constantly twisting the truth

    If only all parents had $20,000 per year for school fees :rolleyes:
  9. C

    the modern labor party not labor

    It seems that the less democratic a country is the more tags it adds to its name to suggest that it is :D
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    the current english course is a waste of time, true or false

    If you're going to argue for the importance of HSC English over maths, real life relevance is not the way to go. :D
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    the current english course is a waste of time, true or false

    Yes but strictly speaking one can get by in life, and most bogans do, without ever having read a word of literature outside The Daily Telegraph and womens' magazines. But what kind of life is that? I know how to write words, even sentences if I need to, and I'll get by fine in life, with or...
  12. C

    the current english course is a waste of time, true or false

    Have you had really bad teachers, or bad experiences with maths classes?
  13. C

    Phatty Hotty

    I would support fat chicks but I'm not strong enough. EDIT: Evidently I'm responding to a post that hasn't been made yet
  14. C

    the current english course is a waste of time, true or false

    You're all horribly misinformed: - There's no such thing as English people or Maths people, it's a social construct - Mathematics teaches you how to communicate clearly (and if it doesn't then you're not being taught properly). In maths you have to express what you're arguing perfectly...
  15. C

    General Maths and Mathematics

    ok, so you're doing intermediate i'd probably recommend General since you'll have more to learn in Mathematics than someone who did advanced in year 10, so it's more work for you. SAM tells me that a mid Band 3, i.e. 65.0 in Mathematics is worth as much towards a UAI as a mid Band 4, i.e. 75.5...
  16. C

    General Maths and Mathematics

    No it's not true but Tell us what stream of maths you're doing now (Standard, Inter, Advanced) and how you're going :D
  17. C

    Two Million Australians live Below the Poverty Line