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  1. C

    Does School affect Scaling much?

    If your school is shit then all that matters is your internal rank (presumably 1 for everything) then it's all down to your HSC marks. The trade off if you're a smart person at a shit school is you're 100% in control of your results but with double the pressure in the external exams :D...
  2. C

    Why is BOS so damn slow?

    quit yer bitching and buy some farken premium accounts karrrnnnts speaking of which i haven't bought one for weeks ! the admins must be going broke
  3. C

    Why is BOS so damn slow?

    mods should also ban this wench for being unjustly sxc
  4. C

    Why is BOS so damn slow?

    It's actually that two and a half thousand post thread in non school, I suggest the moderators delete it ASAP to free up bandwidth for the site's intended audience, ie. hsc kids freaking out about the trials.
  5. C

    The Football Thread

    Re: The Official A-League Thread. MVFC ACL goals - 0 MVFC WCC appearances - 0 MVFC world cup winners in squad - 0 :D
  6. C

    Conditional probability

    I only knew about conditional probability because I saw it in Discrete Maths last semester, I don't think it's in any syllabi as such :D
  7. C

    Is Information Technology and Computer Science deteriorating?

    Do you think industry adequately values grades? By all accounts I've heard they don't care at all, but when thousands of people have a certain qualification it's really the only way to tell who was fucking around and who was learning something :/
  8. C

    The First Kiss

    FFS don't you know anything you've got to use the FIST, not the knife, that way you can kiss more later
  9. C

    The Second Kiss

    How did your sophomore effort compare with the debut?
  10. C

    Conditional probability

    Try again PC What you found is the answer to the question "What is the probability that he will kick at least two goals" when the question was "What is the probability that more than one goal will be kicked, given that at least one goal is kicked". The probability (A given B), is equal to the...
  11. C

    Physics experiment, non conclusive!

    Well experiments are never conclusive, at best they simply fail to show that the theory is wrong :D
  12. C

    Long distance relationships.. A smooth transition to living together?

    Chivalry is risky business these days, you might hold a door open for someone without even fully seeing them/discerning their gender, then get beaten over the head repeatedly by an angry bull-dyke for disrespecting her as a womyn :D
  13. C

    Is Information Technology and Computer Science deteriorating?

    As more people get the qualifications they become worthless anyway since they cease to be a guarantee that the qualification holder actually knows anything about the particular subject :D
  14. C

    Is Information Technology and Computer Science deteriorating?

    It's not the unis' fault, it's the Government's fault for corporatising them :D
  15. C

    what makes james ruse better than other schools??

    Pretty much, I mean it's fucking ridiculous to expect people not taught yr10 advanced to do as well in the SC exam as those that are. If all schools were taught as though they were elite academic schools, they'd all improve. It's a fact :D
  16. C

    Is Information Technology and Computer Science deteriorating?

    It's the same in every other subject at every other university :D
  17. C

    what does it mean when you say you are in love?

    Some people are being fangoriously devoured by a gelatinous monster. Hillary's legs are being digested.