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    Dutch Politician Suggests to Ban the Quran

    over 2 billion? lol it keeps getting bigger i heard there 300 trillion muslims now
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    careers expo

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    Celebrity/relatives of celebrity teachers

    Roy of Roy & HG was a teacher at my high school... along time ago :D
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    Dutch Politician Suggests to Ban the Quran

    Re: Ban Quran No problem with them at all, which is why saying something bad about a religion isn't racist :D You could make a case for hinduism since it's inseparably linked with India but not religions that actively seek to convert people of all cultures :D
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    Dutch Politician Suggests to Ban the Quran

    Re: Ban Quran The Chinese will be old by the time they're mega rich, just like the Japs, it's the Indians we need to worry about, those guys are still breeding like rabbits.
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    What you think of Girls in Girls schools???

    It's actually the other way around :D
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    Dutch Politician Suggests to Ban the Quran

    Re: Ban Quran My mental connotation of a muslim is an indonesian or sometimes a turk. Unless you're a psychic or something?
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    Should we be proud of our history?

    Well if we count you guys then we have a roughly 50,000 year history, of which we deduce 25,000 must have been as the world's most racist nation. You racist pricks :D
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    What are everyone's goals for this semester??

    Do better than 4 P's oh sorry i thought i was diane just then
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    Dutch Politician Suggests to Ban the Quran

    Re: Ban Quran If we prohibited the Quran would underground Muslim crime gangs form to distribute it?
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    student strike at APEC

    the cops, hopefully with dogs EDIT: and batons
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    Should we be proud of our history?

    He loved big brother :D
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    7 million Australians overweight/obese?

    Just keep lying to yourself, you fat cunt
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    What would you like to see on BOS?

    Re: What would you like to see on BOS 2007? Delete the free resources You know it makes sense.
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    2007 Federal Election - Coalition or Labor/Howard or Rudd?

    The ads say that bosses who rip people off will be investigated, and the actor's being investigated... What's the problem, if anything it helps prove the point :D
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    Rugby battlers face trying times

    Nobody outside ex-private schoolboys cares about your "sport" and the public school failing hard is just further proof :D
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    7 million Australians overweight/obese?

    Propaganda from the weight loss industry Most of us are fine :D