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  1. bored of sc

    Advanced English Prelim Paper

    Our exam was hard. Section 1 took me 1 hour so I had to power through an narrative in 20 minutes to give myself 40 minutes for an essay. It was very difficult. Very.
  2. bored of sc

    Advanced English Prelim Paper

    Paper 1 Goes: Section 1 - Short Answer on unseen text types regarding the concept. Section 2 - Creative writing on the concept. Section 3 - Synthesis response on the concept.
  3. bored of sc

    Preliminary HSC Yearly Exams Thoughts & Results

    Re: Does anyone agree that the Preliminary Exams are much more difficult? YES!!! OH, YES! This thread has the most valid information ever put forward. I have the same problem as you. Many of the naturally intelligent ones do little study goes into exams and says they are easy and I struggle...
  4. bored of sc

    Preliminary HSC Yearly Exams Thoughts & Results

    Religion and PDHPE were hard. :( But I felt I went smooth in my music practical piece. Exams have suddenly become psycho! :cold: Not looking forward to getting marks back. Still have maths, extension maths, chemistry and music aural left.
  5. bored of sc

    multi AMC thread

    Wait, so you've got this year's certificate?
  6. bored of sc

    Day Or Night?

    Studying is weird for me. It doesn't matter when it is day or night. What matters is my motivation levels and whether exams are close.
  7. bored of sc

    Preliminary HSC Yearly Exams Thoughts & Results

    English was psycho. It was literally ridiculous. I have given up on it. :mad1: Music Viva was good though. :) Have SOR and PDHPE tomorrow. So much content. :eek:
  8. bored of sc

    Advanced maths over extension?

    Alot of 3-unit extends on 2-unit. An understanding of advanced maths is essential in understanding extension 1 maths.
  9. bored of sc

    Change Creative Writing Ideas

    I'm doing a guy with obsessive compulsive disorder but he thinks he's perfect. It relates to identity.
  10. bored of sc

    multi AMC thread

    HOW (or roughly how much) many participations/credits/distinctions/high distinctions did you get? Year 7 - Used the $4 to buy food at the canteen. :) So I didn't do it. Year 8 - High Distinction. Year 9 - Credit. Year 10 - Distinction. Year 11 - This year. I'm guessing a...
  11. bored of sc

    school captain/prefects thoughts

    Re: School captainincy nominations Haha, me? Dux! No... Too much competition. Congratulations on your efforts by the way.
  12. bored of sc

    Trigonometric Equations needed

    Here's some questions: 1) Solve 4cosx + 4sin2x = 5, -180 < x < 180o 2) Solve cosx = sin2x, 0 < x < 360o 3) 3cos2x = 1 - sinx, 0 < x < 360o 4) tan2x = 3tanx, 0 < x < 360o 5) By expressing cos3x as cos(2x + x), show that cos3x = 4cos3x - 3cosx. Hence solve cos3x + 2cosx = 0, where 0 <...
  13. bored of sc

    Preliminary HSC Yearly Exams Thoughts & Results

    Re: Did anyone finish their preliminary exams? Thanks for the encouragement. :) And good luck with your exams.
  14. bored of sc

    Simple n Quick Question - Electronic Configuration (Chemistry)

    Oh! Better get back to the books... :shy:
  15. bored of sc

    school captain/prefects thoughts

    Re: School captainincy nominations I went for captain. Don't think I'll get it though. All of the speeches of the candidates were amazing.
  16. bored of sc

    Simple n Quick Question - Electronic Configuration (Chemistry)

    Where n is the period on the periodic table?
  17. bored of sc

    Are teachers meant to make MX1 so hard?

    No. They are actually not that difficult if you don't get psyched out. Sure, there are virtually impossible questions in there, but alot of the exam is relatively straight forward (provided you've learnt your formulas, theroms and methods). With solid revision and a good exam technique high...
  18. bored of sc

    "HSC Revise In A Month"

    Anyone know if there is Prelim Revise in a Weekend? I really need it for my exams starting on monday! :bomb:
  19. bored of sc

    Preliminary HSC Yearly Exams Thoughts & Results

    Re: Did anyone finish their preliminary exams? I'm so scared for all of them.