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  1. Shadowdude

    2013 sem 1 timetable

    That's me, though. I'd rather have the day off because the other two have like 6 hours straight, or one class at 9am only. In three hour breaks I usually study, or roam around with friends. I know others go for quick trips to the city even if they have three or four hours off. Others sleep in...
  2. Shadowdude

    UNSW Roll Call 2013

    you got into unsw? NICE. (join mathsoc :p )
  3. Shadowdude

    2013 sem 1 timetable

    The middle one. Day off, duh.
  4. Shadowdude

    Doing scif courses in semester 1??

    Why do I have a bad feeling the... underage drinking and knee dislocation incident at SCIF camp in my year is the reason for this change... hmm
  5. Shadowdude

    Doing scif courses in semester 1??

    there's more than one scif course now!? what is this When I did SCIF... there was only one SCIF course :p
  6. Shadowdude

    2013 sem 1 timetable

    you have 10 hours on monday how's that aesthetic
  7. Shadowdude

    Post Your 2013 University Offers Here

    you should join mathsoc and you too Also: congratulations!
  8. Shadowdude

    Course Selections- Confused

    UoC are just like HSC units. You just need to take 24 per semester. And you pick a major, and on the handbook page there's just a long list of subjects. All you do for your degree is do every course on that list - or fulfill what it says about the list (so if it says 'pick 3 of the following'...
  9. Shadowdude

    Doing scif courses in semester 1??

    You have to take it in Semester 1 anyway, don't you? Pretty sure they don't offer it in Semester 2.
  10. Shadowdude

    B Commerce: Is it right to do the compulsory courses in the first semester?

    You go to the Handbook and find your degree. Then you click on your major - so in your case, Finance. Then you get a whole list of courses you have to do, and all you do in your entire uni life is each semester - enrol in 4 or so of those courses until you've done the entire list. If you have...
  11. Shadowdude

    What is B Science like? Should I do B Science?

    No. Advanced Mathematics is a separate degree program you're either in from the start, or you transfer into.
  12. Shadowdude

    Tight fit on my timetable

    That's fine. Little bit of exercise hurt no one. Plus those walks are easily less than 5 minutes anyway.
  13. Shadowdude

    UNSW Chatter Thread 2013

    Re: Semester 1 UNSW Chatter Thread 2013 I did it at O-Week. First day. Line was long but I had friends (BoSers) in line with me so we just chatted and got to know each other.
  14. Shadowdude

    UNSW Chatter Thread 2013

    Re: Semester 1 UNSW Chatter Thread 2013 If you want a student card, you'll get it at O-Week. There's like a big line and then you also apply for student concessions and whatnot.
  15. Shadowdude

    MATH1131/MATH1141 Lecturers

    Doust and Schief. don't go any further - they are the pick of the combinations available
  16. Shadowdude

    UNSW Roll Call 2013

    Arts (English) / Science (Advanced Mathematics) (Pure Mathematics) Third year.
  17. Shadowdude

    Timetables after accepting offers

    Well, you have to figure out what classes you want to take and then plan out what possible timetables are available, and then you have to plot those classes and plan out your week. I mean... if you work better early morning, then maybe put more morning classes if possible.
  18. Shadowdude

    School vs Uni

    obviously because unsw has the more capable students
  19. Shadowdude

    The Football Thread

    Re: The Official A-League Thread. wanderers are fantastic what are you an (east) sydney fc fan