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  1. bored of sc


    On weekdays: 11-7 - So 7 hours. On weekends: 12-9 - So 8 hours.
  2. bored of sc

    Preliminary Math Exam Questions

    Huh? So what did you put for it? Wait, it just means solve for x doesn't it?
  3. bored of sc

    Classes and Gender

    There are no girls in music.
  4. bored of sc

    Chem Question!

    Water has very strong hydrogen bonds (intermolecular forces) due the large difference in electronegavities of hydrogen (2.2) and oxygen (3.5). This means it would be unfavourable for water to break it's intermolecular forces and form intermolecular forces with another substances as the strength...
  5. bored of sc

    how many maths exercise books hav u used so far?

    2 x 200 page A4 grid books.
  6. bored of sc

    Preliminary Math Exam Questions

    Some hints: > Slow yourself down and concentrate on the question you are doing! > Check answers where possible. > Use reading time effectively.
  7. bored of sc

    Dropping anything in Year 12?

    PDHPE I think. It will depend on examination results.
  8. bored of sc

    English Technique?

    Listing is simply providing a set of terms about a certain topic, one after the other. For example: Australia is coastal, urban, suburban, rural, mountainous and geographically-isolated.
  9. bored of sc


    I'm in year 11 but I'm aiming for 95% in mathematics and 80% in extension 1 for these upcoming prelim exams.
  10. bored of sc

    maths help

    Re: inequation The denominator with the variable (x) in it is ALWAYS a factor when you are solving (I think).
  11. bored of sc

    English Technique?

    Cumulative detail is similar to descriptive language. The difference is it concentrates on describing one thing in alot of detail, thus the imagery of a particular thing accumulates (is continually building up) in the responder's mind. Correct me if I'm wrong english academics.
  12. bored of sc

    maths help

    Re: inequation The first equation i.e. the question.
  13. bored of sc

    maths help

    Re: inequation 2/(2-x) > 3 2(2-x) = 3(2-x)2 4-2x = 3(4-4x+x2) 3x2 - 10x + 8 = 0 x = 4/3, 2 Sub in x = 0 1 > 3 False But 2-x cannot equal 0. Therefore x cannot be 2. Therefore, 4/3 < x < 2
  14. bored of sc

    English Technique?

    Cumulative detail is one technique, listing is another.
  15. bored of sc

    Mega Maths Question to test your knowledge

    cos(3x+2x) = cos3xcos2x - sin3xsin2x = [cos(2x+x) . (cos2x - sin2x)] - [sin(2x+x) . 2sinxcosx] = [cos2xcosx - sin2xsinx . (cos2x - sin2x)] - [(sin2xcosx + cos2xsinx) . 2sinxcosx] = {[(cos2x - sin2x) cosx - 2sinxcosx] . [cos2x - sin2x]} - {[2sinxcosx + (cos2x - sin2x) sinx] . 2sinxcosx}...
  16. bored of sc

    Failing year 11?

    I can relate. I've been putting in heaps of work but I am severely under-prepared for my exams starting in 5 days (despite the fact I do ALL the work and more)! :( I think I'll fail chemistry and PDHPE.
  17. bored of sc

    If you are in year 11, read this first.

    I've decided to do extension 2 maths. :) We'll see how I go. Should be a good challenge.
  18. bored of sc

    Mega Maths Question to test your knowledge

    As tommykins showed, reduce the equation to a quadratic by making a substitution. That it the safest way to do it I reckon.
  19. bored of sc

    revision for yr11 chemistry syllabus???

    Here's some more: