Search results

  1. bored of sc

    [actuary] -

    [/LIST]1. Search it in google. Off the top of my head it's 95+ I think. 2. Those maths competitions are not a good indication of what you will be like at your career since it doesn't give a fair enough indication of your work habits (consistency, amount of work done, effeciency etc). So don't...
  2. bored of sc

    [actuary] -

    Congrats. :)
  3. bored of sc

    Ranks so far?

    Wow -tal-! Well done on your current progress. By the way, you have the same ranks as me for maths, extension maths and SOR.
  4. bored of sc

    Science Questions

    Re: centripedal force Here's where I got all of that from:
  5. bored of sc

    Ranks so far?

    Haha, you remind me of me in the weeks leading up to getting the school certificate back where I created literally 50 threads. See my signature for ranks. How about you? How are you going?
  6. bored of sc

    Science Questions

    Re: centripedal force Yeah, it does. A = v2/r Acceleration of circular movement of object = tangential velocity2/radius of circular object F = ma Force = mass.acceleration --> explained through Newton's 2nd Law of Motion I believe. Since A = v2/r sub v2/r as a into f = ma...
  7. bored of sc

    Science Questions

    Re: Gravitational Field Mate, I think you should type of these queries into google. That's all I've been doing everytime you've posted something up.
  8. bored of sc

    Science Questions

    Re: Distance, mass and gravity formula(e)?'s_law_of_universal_gravitation
  9. bored of sc

    Science Questions

    Re: mass, radius and velocity formula(e)? force = mass.acceleration acceleration = (final velocity - intial velocity) / time area of circle = pi.radius2 volume of sphere = 4/3.pi.radius3 surface area sphere = 4.pi.radius2 circular motion: acceleration of object = tangential velocity2...
  10. bored of sc

    school captain/prefects thoughts

    Re: School captainincy nominations Talk a bit faster and print it off size 11 or 11.5 font if they are reading it. If not, cut some points out (least important).
  11. bored of sc

    Science Questions

    Re: Moon orbit around Earth 1. Virtually circular. 2. The moon's gravitational pull when it is closest to the Earth causes king tides (in conjunction with storm surges etc). This can destroy...
  12. bored of sc

    Hardest Subject?

    English - So open ended and subjective.
  13. bored of sc

    Science Questions

    Re: Chemistry-Water Module Scroll down to the general section and find preliminary revision documents/water module notes.
  14. bored of sc

    Trigonometric Equations

    This question was in our test. Too bad I forgot the formula said tan2x :(. There goes a mark.
  15. bored of sc

    Has Anyone Finished their HSC and RETURNED back to school to do it again?

    Too bad (for your sake) the syllabus has changed, otherwise you would've dominated us at journeys (I'm NOT implying you won't dominate us at belonging).
  16. bored of sc

    Questions about subjects

    Advantages of dropping a subject: more study time. More time to do other non-school related things. Disadvantages of dropping a subject: less room for major mishaps (a large percentage of units will count towards UAI), greater workload, greater demands to do well in more subjects. Personally...
  17. bored of sc

    Relationships: Supplementary Texts

    Films: - American Beauty. - Love Actually. - The Notebook.
  18. bored of sc

    Has Anyone Finished their HSC and RETURNED back to school to do it again?

    I reckon its fair enough. Year 11 is presumed knowledge for the HSC course. And maths can be tested upon. I think he did different subjects this time.
  19. bored of sc

    Earth assessment...

    Write out a list of assigned tasks for all group members. If they don't do their bit then make them feel guilty. Give them the easiest parts of the task. Or do a larger amount of the task yourself.
  20. bored of sc


    From the novel: - War is peace. - Ignorance is strength. - Freedom is slavery. - 2 + 2 = 5 Others: - Ignorance is bliss. <-- Maybe. - - -