Search results

  1. C

    Capitalism or Communism?

    You're also 15 :D
  2. C

    Labor vs Liberals. whats the big differences?

    Yeah tell me something I don't know But you're not the one who just had Combet dumped in your seat with something like a 100% chance of being elected
  3. C

    Racist pub bans Arabs, Islanders

    So what? They'd just go broke pretty much straight away and close. I don't see a problem with it.
  4. C

    Labor vs Liberals. whats the big differences?

    I'll take an MBBS, LLB and why not have a BCom while I'm at it. It's my right. --- Don't EVER vote for Labor You run the risk of the candidate you THOUGHT would represent you, being replaced completely UNDEMOCRATICALLY with some UNION HACK no one has EVER voted for DON'T RISK LABOR...
  5. C

    Labor vs Liberals. whats the big differences?

    One is run by trade unions The other is not :)
  6. C

    War in Iraq

    I don't oppose war, nor am I unpatriotic. I simply prefer a softer, kinder type of war where the only troops are from the UN, and they stand by and watch genocides occur. I also support the troops, I just hope a lot of them die in horrible ways so we can prove the evil hoWARd wrong.
  7. C

    Racist pub bans Arabs, Islanders

    Absolutely. I don't let any niggers in my house. It's nothing personal, I've found them to be lovely people when interacting with them in public. But they're not coming in here. What are you going to do about it?
  8. C

    What would you like to see on BOS?

    Re: What would you like to see on BOS 2007? societies! in fact just rip anything else off TSR you haven't done already :D
  9. C

    Girls, what do you think of boys who cry?

    How about guys who like to stand outside in the rain writing poetry and letting the ink run down the page to symbolically release a part of their soul while shedding a single tear?
  10. C

    Howard's Nuclear Plan

    PRIME Minister John Howard today revealed his strategy to increase uranium mining and prepare Australia for nuclear power.,23599,21636462-1702,00.html Mr Howard promised to remove restrictions on mining and processing uranium, to increase uranium exports and to...
  11. C

    What Year/Grade should we consider seriously studying?

    And I bet you blame it on 'natural ability' or something :D
  12. C

    2007 Federal Election - Coalition or Labor/Howard or Rudd?

    Or maybe we just don't need 9 governments for only twenty million people.
  13. C

    Hav a laugh

    I had a moment like this today On last week's linear algebra quiz I wrote that I couldn't determine whether something was a vector space because the lecturer hadn't explicitly written down on the question how + and . were defined (because I couldn't work it out normally and decided to write...
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    Your problem is you probably go there every other day McDonalds is the best thing in the world when eaten very rarely :D
  15. C

    Guns N Roses Concert?

    The original band members?
  16. C

    alone issues

    hai :o My (xemoxcorex's ) post was fucking valid Have you moderators ever tried to meet a partner in Broken Hill? WELL? HAVE YOU?
  17. C

    Psychology & Maths?

    Not particularly You might do a bit of statistics in a psych degree (which isn't even in HSC maths except general) So really just do maths if you like it or if you think you'll get good marks (to help get the required UAI, obviously)
  18. C

    Winter Fashion 2007!

    omg have some more cake, fatty