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  1. C

    Julie Bishop's Vision for Education in Australia (Merged)

    Hey volition, if taxation is against our will, why does the population continually call for increased funding (ie. our taxes) to education? Try running what you're saying as a state election platform and you'd lose in a landslide.
  2. C

    Union Board Elections 2007

    Re: The Official Union Board Elections 2007 Thread With all this talk of steak we can only come to one conclusion: JUSTIN SIMON HATES VEGANS
  3. C

    jobs without customers

    Oh okay. While you're at it why don't you tell us how to get around the security placed on the various items at Kmart stores?
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    What happens if a majority of the yr fails a subject ?

    nothing? at my school the whole cohort failed legal studies bar one and same for MX1 nothing happens you get your rank, you get your hsc mark, they do the process...
  5. C

    If you've lost your virginity, at what age?

    yes, yes it can on topic: vyrgyn 4 lyfe
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    Australia and US Joint Military Excercise: Talisman Sabre

    argumentum ad hsc-um? the falun gong are a terrorist death cult that deserve to be persecuted, just ask Andrew Quah.
  7. C

    Israel violates Lebanese sovereignity again

    No, the only pictures without the lady are completely obscured by smoke from all the bombing, and a green helmet guy holding up dead babies.
  8. C

    Israel violates Lebanese sovereignity again

    Really? I found three photos on Reuters already: Cutting down the trees Excavating Building the Canal Taken by Lebanese photographer Adnan Hajj for Reuters. Truely disturbing scenes there.
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    i) There are three possible even numbers to use as the last digit, then five for the other two digits 5*5*3 = 75 ii) we want all 3-permutations ending with 2, or 4, or 6 There are 4P2 numbers ending with 2 (put 2 at the end, then choose two digits from the remaining four) same for...
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    Attitude towards HSC

    I refused to accept the idea of going to school for 13 years (incl kindi) of my life and thinking that all I "get out of it" is a number between 30 and 100 I could use a random number generator and get one of those in about a billionth of a second, then force my way into uni through a...
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    Decreasing demand for IT employees?

    To work in IT you should study a B Outsourcing, majoring in To India.
  12. C

    tutoring "difficult" kids...

    what year, what subject, are these kids in graded classes and if so do u know which one? what are you doing to help them comprehend 'it'?
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    national anthem - how many verses?

    fuck off you fob cunt
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    national anthem - how many verses?

    i know it's not part of the anthem, but screw all y'all When gallant Cook from Albion sail'd, To trace wide oceans o'er, True British courage bore him on, Till he landed on our shore. Then here he raised Old England's flag, The standard of the brave; With all her faults we love her still...
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    The Australians Against Further Immigration Party

    I'm against New Zealanders immigrating... there's too many here already.
  16. C

    2007 NRL Thread

    It's happened to better teams than the Roosters before... ;)
  17. C

    What I am doing/wearing today

    couple of hours at uni (fucking compulsory lectures) then went to work stuck out nicely among the kids wearing my business-type shirt and tie ^^ i swear some of them dress up like they're going out (if that makes sense) just to go to uni on a monday morning... fucking first years
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    Effects of an Entirely Labor Australia?

    How is it possible to be "more willing to choose the right people"? That doesn't even make sense.
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    The Age of Chivalry

    If some did that to me I'd say "it's just coz I have a concession ticket, I actually thought you were a man"