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  1. C

    Is Kevin Rudd Too Right Wing For the Labor Party?

    Before we start screaming about theocracies and the like: - What is the evidence the Opposition Leader's personal beliefs are actively influencing his party's policies? You could make that case for Tony Abbott maybe, but what have we seen from Rudd so far to suggest religious values are...
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    Chinese Missile Tests

    sorry i misread i'm on drugs or something Anyway the Australian Government's POV:,21985,21086535-663,00.html
  3. C

    Chinese Missile Tests

    Bring on a race to create space based military equipment The technology that would come out of that would be phenomenal, consider the two things that drove technology the most in the 20th century were: - The wars (I, II and Cold) - The space race If you put the 2 together then: 1. China vs...
  4. C

    Don't feel silly, it is confusing [SMH]

    I agree. Further I am against the idea of a separate "UAI" for maths, science/technology and english/humanities (or some other fairly arbitrary division) as many have suggested in the other thread. It takes away the value of the HSC for education's sake and turns it into something to exploit...
  5. C

    Uni Entry System about to Collapse (SMH) - (re: UNSW)

    Postings on the Boredofstudies student website include: "I know three people who got an offer for commerce at UNSW but their UAI was below 95.10." One student claimed to have scored a UAI of 95.3, which is above the cut-off mark, and failed to gain entry into the UNSW commerce course, despite...
  6. C

    Domestic fee paying Vs. Commonwealth fee paying.

    No, it's not. People who say that DFEE is paying your way into uni when you didn't meet the cutoff are poorly informed. Most people tend to think cutoffs mean "how smart u have to be to get in" when it's really just supply and demand, you know like the price of bananas. They have x spots for...
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    An idea to end the water problem

    Do people actually think when they say this? So we should be able to knock down all the dams we currently have and it won't make any difference, right?
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    An idea to end the water problem

    The farmers could try getting another job.
  9. C

    A few questions...

    Haha, that's cool. I ask because like 5 seconds ago I accepted an offer to change to maths/teaching.
  10. C

    '06 Transfer Candidates Post Here

    That's great, congratulations.
  11. C

    anyone clicking repeatedly

    Yeah, it determines whether I'll still be here clicking or out watching tv. Don't worry too much kids. FUCKING LAG!!!!!!111OMFGIFUCKINGHATEYOUUACLEARNTOGET3SERVERSNOT2,3DON'TYOUKNKOWANYTHINGI JUSTFUCKINGHATEYOUSOMCUH
  12. C

    Post your 2007 University Offers Here!

    The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later. At this rate we won't be able to view them by midnight and will have to try again in the morning
  13. C

    An idea to end the water problem

    Why aren't people allowed to have gardens? It should be our right in a free country to maintain a garden on one's property.
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    Well all my friends "grew up"...

    Well, chances are when they have houses and mortgages they'll grow out of the phase they're in now. So everything will turn out alright.
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    Fast Food

    mcdonalds chicken caeser rolls kind of takes away the 'cheap' part but it's by far the best thing at any fast food store.
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    '06 Transfer Candidates Post Here

    Yay, waiting's almost over, almost time for applying for credit and enrolling and other fun stuff. Oh yeah, 94.90 UAI & 6.75 GPA (99.5 SR) ==> 97.2 NRSLI UNCLE BE ==> BTeach/BSc(Maths) need 7X.XX Nice to know I could probably do law or commerce at syd or nsw :rolleyes: Good luck Mr...
  17. C

    A few questions...

    - Primary or secondary is discussed in this thread and probably also in some other threads in the "Education" section of the Tertiary Education forum. - Classes might be 1 to 5 days per week depending on which degree you end up doing and if applicable which subjects, eg. if u do arts -...
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    I have a few questions..

    The solution is to do it in the girl's bed, avoiding both the towel and the interrogation.
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    for guys only

    Okay I fired all my five year olds Now my girlfriend is still too tight AND I have no one to work in my salt mine :(