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  1. C

    girls, what would you like a boy to like about you?

    Well you don't ask for much.
  2. C

    "Lebo Thugs" Youtube Video

    Heh "After decades of failing multiculturalism causing ghettoes and violent videos on YouTube, Australians realise they could have just imported recipe books."
  3. C

    Confirming Enrollment... a detail..

    Site's back up now It's pretty much up to you as long as by the end you've done 'either a 90 unit major and 50 unit Social Science elective, or complete courses in a 70 unit major, 40 units of one Social Science elective and 30 units of another Social Science elective.' To decide you'd...
  4. C

    "Lebo Thugs" Youtube Video

    Maybe there will be
  5. C

    "Lebo Thugs" Youtube Video

    Today Tonight: Probably not enough footage of the videos, although they showed the bashing (which wasn't on the news) Captioned the lyrics of the leb rapping and included bits that would be particularly offensive and angering to your average TT punter (eg. comparing what they're going to do...
  6. C

    "Lebo Thugs" Youtube Video

    Exactly. Controversial video removed from website this one says AAP accessed the video earlier on Wednesday so we have an idea of how the media found it (considering it seems to have been there for a while before now), still don't know...
  7. C

    "Lebo Thugs" Youtube Video

    Shut the fuck up with the Lebanese vs Egyptian debate, it's fucking childish and pointless. Now back to something more childish: monitoring how much media exposure this gets. Well, it was the 2nd headline item on the tv news here tonight, on Channel 9 (number one was the shark guy). They...
  8. C

    Confirming Enrollment... a detail..

    Actually now that you mention hours, do you know which tutorials you're going to register for? It says the EDUC courses open on the 29th of January, I'm going to do it straight away since there's like 800 people in those courses...
  9. C

    Primary or Secondary?

    He only said 'in its current form' not 'scrapped altogether'. That could mean anything at this stage. Not particularly related but yesterday I heard on the radio-type-news that in the next 7 years, 50% of all teachers in the Hunter region would retire.
  10. C

    "Lebo Thugs" Youtube Video

    Watching this get hyped up beyond proportion is pretty interesting The Stormfronters are kindly digging up every video they can find similar to the ones we saw in NS:
  11. C

    "Lebo Thugs" Youtube Video

    Re: Lebo Thugs Youtube Video How do you know?
  12. C

    "Lebo Thugs" Youtube Video

    Let's call the "Under New Management" image (which I find pretty disturbing) a declaration of war and send the Army in to Granville and the other places mentioned on the videos. I mean, the police probably aren't allowed to go there anyway.
  13. C

    student allowance - get rid of it...

    :o You mean they're given free money so they can later get more money than other people?
  14. C

    girls, what would you like a boy to like about you?

    I want him to like me because of my SUMMER FASHIONS!
  15. C

    First Years

    aww u ruined my plan
  16. C

    Rudd Vows Education Revolution

    Hey I know guys since there's apparently not enough educated people in this country The Government can assign professions to people (based on whim or perhaps standardised tests) at an early age and then force them to go to uni and follow that particular education and career path. Uni places...
  17. C

    Confirming Enrollment... a detail..

    Your enrollment might look something like Semester 1: educ1003 educ1005 hist1010 or minorxxxx hist1050 or minorxxxx Semester 2: educ1004 educ1006 hist1020 or minorxxxx hist1060 or minorxxxx That's the standard way to do it, (I used all the 'recommended' 1st year history major courses, they...
  18. C

    First Years

    ooh i might see u this year if ur doing educ100(3 - 6) and i'll be like 'hey i saw her on the internet'
  19. C

    Save sex?

    I lost my KKK virginity at a cross burning just the other night.
  20. C

    Uni Entry System about to Collapse (SMH) - (re: UNSW)

    So, has the system collapsed yet?