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  1. C

    Good conversation starter to a random girl.

    So... When's YOUR train comin?
  2. C

    Call to stop Muslim immigrants

    I don't support Fred Nile, but still this question always bothers me: Race is a small number of the various genes that determine what you look like. Religion is a choice, it's a set of beliefs and values, it's a way of living your life, it has its own laws, it demands certain actions, it's...
  3. C

    And Just When You Thought Avril Lavigne Couldn't Get More Shit...

    We are worse than war and famine :D
  4. C

    Hows it going?

    Not if you turn up at 11:40 :D I'm thinking next year I'll save $120 and just go straight to c15 all the time.
  5. C

    2007 Federal Election - Coalition or Labor/Howard or Rudd?

    Everyone would need a new cause :D I wonder if he'll still openly talk about how he wants to kill Jews when he gets back.
  6. C

    Hows it going?

    Well the rule seems to be that if you're in a carpark area and there's somewhere a car will fit, someone will park there. It's not 'legal' though :(
  7. C

    Shakira & Beyonce: Spot the Difference

    More like you and avril.... spot the difference :D Watching video without sound
  8. C

    Hows it going?

    You have to applaud the creativity of some people with their inventing parking spots. :D I parked in c15 last Monday, (turned up at 11) it's closer to the HGDT than you'd think.
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    Call to stop Muslim immigrants

    The Jews don't hold the Talmud to be the unalterable word of God. It's not even their holy book, just the thoughts of a bunch of Rabbis.
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    Australian Science Olympiads

    Re: Science Olympiads The physics ones are pretty interesting. IMHO that's the standard they should be aiming for, for all year 12 physics. If you pick up a good first year uni physics book you should be able to work out most of it.
  11. C

    Good conversation starter to a random girl.

    It must be hard wishing everyone was dead :(
  12. C

    Good conversation starter to a random girl.

    ppl ask me about their bus all the time when i'm waiting at uni does that mean they want to sex me?
  13. C

    Good conversation starter to a random girl.

    This works, except you actually have to say "open bracket, this is a serious reply, close bracket" at the end, that part's important.
  14. C

    Call to stop Muslim immigrants

    Someone delete this shit, it's been done to death, almost as much as the heebs vs jordyptians topic. :D What we do need though is a thread for debating how much control the media actually exercise over the cowering masses. On topic, I absolutely don't support Fred Nile. But still, there's...
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    2007 State Election - Labor or the Coalition/Iemma or Debnam?

    I think it's 31 consecutive losses for state libs after March 24th. ...the reasons to abolish the states are ever increasing :D waf, the whole Labor campaign is just personal attacks at Peter Debnam, that's not hard to see. It helps keep the discussion away from their record.
  16. C

    Lobby group seeks election of Muslim MP

    Did anybody hear on the news this morning there's 'radical' imams telling their followers to cheat the tax system because tax is against Islam? Personally this makes me want to vote for these guys, Shiekh Hilaly's new Muslim Party, since lowering taxes to 0 isn't a bad idea in my book :D
  17. C

    And Just When You Thought Avril Lavigne Couldn't Get More Shit...

    Yeah, well... ... :santa: ... She's hot :D
  18. C

    And Just When You Thought Avril Lavigne Couldn't Get More Shit...

    One of the ppl in the comments suggested she was being ironic with the whole song/video... She's hot :D
  19. C

    World Maths Day

    I have 6 consecutive hours of math lectures on that day :D
  20. C

    Israel and Palestine

    Re: The History of Israel, Zionism and U.S support by Prof. Schleifer He's actually a Mossad agent sent to pollute the ncap forum like back in 1956 when the Israelis... ... Palestinians ... hezbollah ... IDF ... war ... occupation ... apartheid wall of oppression ... UN ...