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  1. C

    Girls with guy friends

    Don't worry, in a couple of years socialising will reduce to - go to club/pub - look so good - get drunk - repeat So it's okay to be boring or for others to be, no one will be able to tell anyway :D *mumbles incoherently about things being more fun before everyone was 18*
  2. C

    how do you study for university?

    Here's what I do; (EDIT: used to do :D) - Have a ridiculously specific list of stuff to do each day (lecture notes/readings/assignments/exercises) - Go to all my lectures & tutorials, even though they put me to sleep (I used to print lecture notes but the pages ran into the hundreds so now I...
  3. C

    UN envoy hits Israel 'apartheid'

    But Hamas has killed more Palestinians than Israel :D
  4. C

    Five Muslim radical clerics Banned from speaking to Media

    But all the media soundbites like "[women are] uncovered meat" or "[9/11 was] God's work against oppressors" were taken from translated sermons anyway. Their spokesman could just be a parrot trained to say 'out of context' repeatedly :D
  5. C

    Five Muslim radical clerics Banned from speaking to Media

    Not positive at all, these guys will still be saying the same shit at their sermons. I'd rather hear them in the media, because at least they'll be honest on what Islam is really about.
  6. C

    The Football Thread

    Re: The Official A-League Thread. It just shows how shit Butcher is :D
  7. C

    The SDA Union

    I think I may be the only person employed by Woolworths Limited who's not a member :D
  8. C

    Lectures - are they worth it?

    Not from jewWS but this is an interesting thread so... Online lecture notes kill my motivation for paying attention in lectures, especially when the notes online are very detailed, or at least have enough info to establish what the topic is so you can fill out your knowledge from the textbook...
  9. C

    Today Tonight most complained about TV show

    But it's not full of celebrity candidates so she could go either way. :D No seriously this story went a small way to restoring my 'faith in humanity', to put it one way. Now I have something to refer to every time one of the intellectual heavyweights like mathmite assert that the unnamed...
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    Who has more credibility? The truth will come out! etc. Actually, apparently one of the ministers in the reshuffle after Campbell got sacked has had connections with Burke too...
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    Today Tonight most complained about TV show,22049,21334411-5001021,00.html?from=news Today Tonight is Australia's most complained about TV show, it managed to generate more hate than big brother uncut :D Laugh at it here.
  12. C

    what game are you best at, undefeatable?

    Mario and Link, but Link gets raped in the jump department so he's easy to kill. Fuck this, I'm going to go play SSB non-stop for the rest of my life.
  13. C

    what game are you best at, undefeatable?

    :D I've grown out of Super Smash Bros (n64 version) but I'm still unbeatable.
  14. C

    Young Liberal / Young Labor

    Re: Young Liberal / Young Labour Yeah it's strange how anti-semitic the more extreme left types are these days. Still the Jewish community (I think) tends to vote Labor mostly, right? Checked what exactly?
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    Is it just me, or are strong women INCREDIBLY sexually appealing? ?
  16. C

    Religious affiliation

    There's no compulsion, it's just that if you convert, they'll kill you. Your choice. :)
  17. C

    Young Liberal / Young Labor

    Re: Young Liberal / Young Labour I have been absolutely ASTOUNDED by the ABUNDANCE of Young Liberal members on the B-O-S forums. So naturally I'm going to join up. However to balance that I'm also going to join the Socialist Alliance.
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    Australian flag BANNED!!!,20867,21120081-2702,00.html Australians being Australians, it seems like there ended up being more flags than there would have otherwise been just for the sake of defiance. No rioting either.
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    "Lebo Thugs" Youtube Video

    Actually the videos have been there for months, it would seem, and it is being blown out of proportion now because someone told the media about them.
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    TAKE A LOOK AT YOURSELVES! The Worrying rise of a conservative youth!

    When you get to the absolute extremes they're pretty much the same thing. Two sides of one coin.