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  1. Shadowdude

    Maths ex2 HELPP!

    "Today, 5:14 PM" m8
  2. Shadowdude

    How Many Subjects Do You have to do per Semester?

    As long as the units of credit values add to 18 or more.
  3. Shadowdude

    Maths ex2 HELPP!

    Don't you mean capital omega is ohms and lower case omega is angular velocity?
  4. Shadowdude

    limits ?

    Draw a picture.
  5. Shadowdude

    Combinatorial geometry question.

    0 because everyone loves The Chad: --- and shouldn't the question in the OP be: "How many women are left over for Chad to hit on? Hence, assuming a 100% success rate in asking out women (because The Chad is great), how many girls will Chad end up with?"
  6. Shadowdude

    Release of Semester2 2012 Results

    nice work and lol at the mistake
  7. Shadowdude

    degree for advertising career

    Yes but I'm sure you need to have a background in stats, economics, accounting, etc to do well in a marketing job. Especially stats. So taking a "back way" may not be beneficial at all...
  8. Shadowdude

    maths textbooks

    I liked Fitzpatrick, personally. Clear layout. Nice colours to the books too. Aesthetic.
  9. Shadowdude

    where does doing a science degree get you?

    Depends what major you take.
  10. Shadowdude

    Log functions question

    I believe that's just an application of the chain rule.
  11. Shadowdude

    With Uni preferences say I got accepted to my 5th preference but I changed my mind...

    Re: With Uni preferences say I got accepted to my 5th preference but I changed my min You can change your preferences whenever you want. If you get accepted into 5th, in your later rounds - your preferences 1 to 4 will be considered.
  12. Shadowdude

    With Uni preferences say I got accepted to my 5th preference but I changed my mind...

    Re: With Uni preferences say I got accepted to my 5th preference but I changed my min Low. In later rounds, they fill up vacancies - and if it's a popular course, there aren't many, so the ATAR cut-off is usually 95+. I was like you, I switched preferences mid-round and luckily I had bonus...
  13. Shadowdude

    Differentiate pi^3

    Two years from now. Honours thesis. *shudder* i've heard stories from honours students: "i just use templates", "i got my friend's thesis and just edited the words but kept the formatting", "i saw the professor have a book about this thick *gestures with hands* called 'How to Use Latex'", etc. :(
  14. Shadowdude

    Differentiate pi^3

    Well, a minute or so because I wanted to use fancy brackets: \left ( \right )
  15. Shadowdude

    Differentiate pi^3

    come on guys, just laugh at the funny joke okay :( i put effort into tex-ing that!
  16. Shadowdude

    With Uni preferences say I got accepted to my 5th preference but I changed my mind...

    Re: With Uni preferences say I got accepted to my 5th preference but I changed my min Don't you get nine preferences? And if you change your mind, you can switch them on UAC. However cut-offs usually rise in later rounds, so it's really much better to really figure out what you want to do now.
  17. Shadowdude

    Differentiate pi^3

    Not always... \frac{d}{d\pi} \left ( \pi^{3} \right ) = 3\pi^{2}
  18. Shadowdude


    When I did Ext. 2, the advice I was given was spend half the time writing, and then the other half revising. You'll constantly find better phrasings, or more inspiration - so ideally you want to get your main idea down pat early so you can just refine it repeatedly.