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  1. bored of sc

    Year 11 Physics Practical: Motion and Forces

    Just remember that reliability is the reproducability or consistency of the results and validity is whether the results conform to the truth/accepted values. You should be fine if you have a good practical technique and remember experimental write-up structure and terminology (don't forget...
  2. bored of sc

    Yr 11 performance

    nicely done hey, and at the school you're at - you're on your way to a 99+ UAI (sorry if that jynxed you, haha)
  3. bored of sc

    Yr 11 performance

    these subject are outstanding - do you know how you faired in comparison to your class? i.e. ranks?
  4. bored of sc

    Looks like Im getting kicked out of Extension

    Are you sure they are actually allowed to kick you out?
  5. bored of sc

    Wikipedia elective for english

    Which English course - Advanced or Standard?
  6. bored of sc

    What subjects are you thinking of dropping next yr?

    I don't think you can pick up 2-Unit religion as you have missed too much work from the preliminary course (Buddism, Islam etc). You can drop 4 units and pick up 2 cause you will have 10 units, but I don't think you can pick up 2-Unit religion.
  7. bored of sc

    Yr 11 performance

    Chemistry - 74% - rank 4 or 5 out of 15-20ish :( (the exam was easy)
  8. bored of sc

    What subjects are you thinking of dropping next yr?

    what can you pick up? senior science, maths and english extension 2's, is that all?
  9. bored of sc

    What would be the best End-Of-HSC anthem?

    Definitely: Silverchair - After All These Years
  10. bored of sc

    How many subjects do u hv tuition?

  11. bored of sc

    Neatness of notes

    not really, you don't sound dumb - if notes are layed out in a neater, well-structured way they are clearer, easier to follow and look aestetically pleasing :)
  12. bored of sc

    What subjects are you thinking of dropping next yr?

    my guess is legal studies scales better but I am not sure... hmm... do whichever one you like more as it seems marks won't stop you from doing either...
  13. bored of sc

    Help for some Maths!!!

    Conclusion to be made - diagrams to hard to accurately understand all the measurements...
  14. bored of sc

    Help for some Maths!!!

    Oh, well that changes everything. P.S Question 3 is super hard to understand - there are measurements going everywhere!
  15. bored of sc

    Help for some Maths!!!

    3) Pretty confusing as Lyounamu said - I'll have a dig when I get back this arvo...
  16. bored of sc

    Help for some Maths!!!

    i think that 3 should be 0.6 :confused: but don't trust me! justification: triangular perpendicular height = 3 - 2.4 (height of entire marquee - height of rectangular prism part)
  17. bored of sc

    Help for some Maths!!!

    2) 313.24m^2 (to 2.d.p) Not too sure as the shape is confusing - I assumed it was in the house-shape. first things first - perpendicular height of roof-triangle = 3m - 2.4m = 0.6m height of equal sides of roof-isosceles triangle = x x^2 = 0.6^2 + 5.5^2 (pythagoras and halving the base of...
  18. bored of sc

    Help for some Maths!!!

    1) 51m volume 3D shape = volume triangular prism + volume rectangular prism = [(2.1 * 50)/2 * 15] + [1 * 50 *15] = 787.5 + 750 = 1537.5 m^3 3/4 full = 3/4 * 1537.5 = 1153.125 m^3 water 1153.125 - 787.5 = amount of water left in rectangular prism part of pool (the 1m by 50m by 15m...
  19. bored of sc

    what's more demanding ?2 ext subjects or 2 unit subject?

    theoretically the extension subjects would be harder/more demanding but I reckon chemistry is harder than doing extension maths and extension english actually