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  1. bored of sc

    State rankings

    wouldn't his HSC mark be 98? the average of 99 and 97 :confused:
  2. bored of sc

    Half Yearly Exams

    attacked eh? that sounds freaky - so what did you do once you attacked him? devour him? cook him? chop him up? by the by congrats on that class-topping mark
  3. bored of sc

    Half Yearly Exams

    hey, do you go to Xavier in Ballina? um... I put those marks into SAM ((for english I put 85%) except LOTE - what language is it?) and it gave a UAI of 94.20 (as your 2005 UAI) but it included 6-units of maths (not allowed) and I didn't include LOTE cause I didn't know what it was
  4. bored of sc

    Should English Be Compulsary Poll

    It should but it is highly disadvantageous to those who are average at it (particularly me)! But nonetheless, it is a vital part of our lives - language, communication, it comes into alot. I will probably change the above view when I get my 75.65 UAI solely cause of english :mad: !!!
  5. bored of sc

    Westpac Maths Comp!

    High Distinction is the top 2% although this percentage can vary. Distinction is the next top 13% (I think). Credit is the next 35%. Participation is the bottom 50%. I think... if you look at it this way and credit is pretty darn good :) (top half of the state). I got a HD...
  6. bored of sc

    2008 Preliminary Roll Call

    Yeah, too much confidence is a bad thing. I topped the first prelim 2U task and was too cocky walking into the first 3U exam (worth 30%) and ended up having a shocker of an exam - getting 5th /13 :(
  7. bored of sc

    Personal journey films.

    Gallipoli by Peter Weir. If you want any techniques and stuff (I did it in year 10) feel free to send me a PM. Any of those 'chick-flick' type films usually have a personal journey relating to love and the like.
  8. bored of sc

    any1 been bludgy dese hols?

    sorry to get off topic, but what is LOTE??
  9. bored of sc

    I Need Help

    Haha, I forget just about everything I learnt in history and geography last year :o ! Anyone else the same? Um, Bree; I am sure you will be fine. If you feel like you are not studying enough just get out a book and textbook and start writing a few notes down. Another hint is to not go...
  10. bored of sc

    The Petrov Affair?

    Firstly, during this era, Australia was under the utter conviction that Communism was an evil system of Government. Petrov's defection (deserting a duty) caused such an uproar from Australians because, for Australians, it implied that Petrov was pro-communist. The duty Petrov deserted was...
  11. bored of sc

    english + history skills in other subjects

    :bomb: really?
  12. bored of sc

    Studying for Chemistry?

    same :) I thought for a minute there I was alone in the anti-chemistry holidays *high five*
  13. bored of sc

    Music 1 Scaling

    Same as anything - if you do good in it it shouldn't be a disadvantage a guy at my school last year did music 1 and got a UAI of 98.something (second highest in our school), he also did drama but mind you he was an all rounder and did extension english and maths too
  14. bored of sc

    The Dumbest mistake u've ever made in a Maths Exam

    I simplified an expression (can't be simplified) It was 2x - 22 (correct answer which I had :burn: ) but then I went on to the following 2(x - 11) x - 11 shame on me - cost me a mark also, did correct solution to question and went - wait I don't think that's right - so I went back (crossing...
  15. bored of sc

    HSC and Family Pressure/Expectations

    Re: Pressure From Parents yer - 70 is fine - especially in the sense you thought you failed the exam by the by - what instrument do you play in music? singer? just curious
  16. bored of sc

    Bombed out this term :(

    yer - its a dog eat dog world out there (sorry about using the cliche of all cliches)
  17. bored of sc

    Subject for longterm medical study?

    as above - it would depend on what type of medical career - but usually Chemistry, Physics, Biology, advanced english, mathematics (2U)
  18. bored of sc

    Bombed out this term :(

    evidence that slow and steady wins the race - the Stephen Bradbury case is a classic metaphor that suggests a good way to go about study for the HSC - staying within reach of your goals, staying consistent and getting some good luck come your way (well hopefully good luck will come your way :))
  19. bored of sc

    Which subject do you find the most boring so far?

    So you gunna drop it at the end of year 11?