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  1. bored of sc

    Studying over the holidays (yr 11 exams)

    same ay, motivation in the holidays is as probable as seeing pigs fly under a blue, full moon :uhhuh:
  2. bored of sc

    Studying over the holidays (yr 11 exams)

    Just trying to keep the morale high!! Be optimistic guys...
  3. bored of sc

    Studying over the holidays (yr 11 exams)

    Re: how far is everyone through holiday hw and study? oh, i see, still - at least its now and not the weekend before your HSC externals :)
  4. bored of sc

    Studying for Chemistry?

    Follow the above post Foram!
  5. bored of sc

    Studying over the holidays (yr 11 exams)

    Re: how far is everyone through holiday hw and study? don't worry - it probably did you good to have a day without study
  6. bored of sc

    Studying over the holidays (yr 11 exams)

    yer, sometimes - hand in tasks are so much better than exams cause you have the advantage of time and asking for help etc
  7. bored of sc

    Studying over the holidays (yr 11 exams)

    Re: how far is everyone through holiday hw and study? oh no!!! it says under your name that you just broke down!! what's happened? procrastination? lack of motivation?
  8. bored of sc

    How do u STUDY?

    You can study how ever you want!! Here are some examples: > type your notes up > hand write them again > put them in a different form (e.g. into a table, question/answer format, pictures (if possible)) > post-it notes on the walls around your room (it usually works for memorising :)) > verbal...
  9. bored of sc

    Which subject do you find the most boring so far?

    Maybe they go to a catholic school so they need religion in some form but they are confident with their other 10+ units so they choose to do a course that doesn't go towards their UAI.
  10. bored of sc

    Which subject do you find the most boring so far?

    cause I go to a Catholic school
  11. bored of sc

    Which subject do you find the most boring so far?

    Even though i hate it as well it does scale relatively well apparently.
  12. bored of sc

    Which subject do you find the most boring so far?

    Either religion (everything about it except how easy it is :)) or Chemistry (historical stuff and memorising shit). Actually religion by far - Judaism origins and history means :angry: !!!! Too bad religion is compulsory - but I can always drop Chemistry :) .
  13. bored of sc

    Studying over the holidays (yr 11 exams)

    Re: how far is everyone through holiday hw and study? No - you've obviously built up a decent immunity to studying for long periods of time. Just take breaks every so often - even if that includes whole day breaks. Its worth it. If you are sick yo should not study too much. P.S How's your...
  14. bored of sc

    Studying over the holidays (yr 11 exams)

    Re: how far is everyone through holiday hw and study? I finished off permutations and combinations worksheets with the help of BOS (thanks guys) and have begun with random bable for a speech due second week back (epp!). As for revision/syllabus summaries haven't done a bit. There's goes my...
  15. bored of sc

    how many units do you plan to do for the hsc?

    oh yer, do you want to take 3 years for your HSC - in that you could continue with extension 1 - then in the 3rd year do extension 2 maybe
  16. bored of sc

    distinction courses

    that's the mathsy one right? you should cope well since you have a special interest/ability in maths right?
  17. bored of sc

    Acceleration in Maths!!!!!!

    :eek: child prodigy
  18. bored of sc

    distinction courses

    I don't exactly know hmmm... well it says usually 3U so I think 3U would be enough what distinction course do you plan to do??
  19. bored of sc

    distinction courses

    Kurt.Physics - does your maths teacher really staple burger king applications to failed maths exams?? haha
  20. bored of sc

    Preliminary Biology Practical

    Usually an experiment is set out in the following manner: Aim: what you wish to achieve. Hypothesis: an educated guesstimate as to what will happen in the experiment. This part might be able to include your research notes from secondary sources (maybe). Appartus: materials used (we...