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  1. bored of sc

    Inequality difficulties D=

    absolute value and squaring something is very similar - the negatives go in both
  2. bored of sc

    Othello Thoughts

    gee, thanks for your input - where were you 2 weeks ago when I needed you?? lol, just kidding :)
  3. bored of sc

    How much weekend homework do you have?

    i bet you don't need luck much at all - but good attempt at humility :) it seems as though are prepared to prepare!!
  4. bored of sc

    Encouragement thread

    I have first extension maths test on Tuesday (2 days away)!!!! How should I study with such little time left?? Encouragement please!
  5. bored of sc

    Encouragement thread

    You'll be fine!!
  6. bored of sc

    Encouragement thread

    In extension 1 - as you know - show ALL working and don't take any shortcuts unless you under time constraints or confusion for that question. Attempt all questions. In biology - I'm not too sure - be logical - use your superior maths ability to your advantage. Other than good luck...
  7. bored of sc

    11Units Too Risky??

    put your half yearly exam marks into SAM (student assessment modeller) and see which subject (s) don't count towards your 2006 UAI - they are most likely the subject (s) you should be dropping :)
  8. bored of sc

    11Units Too Risky??

    Re: 11Unitss Too Risky?? less exams makes sense :)
  9. bored of sc

    Well, I got my lowest test result ever.

    They're solid marks/ranks whether you think so or not!! I have the same problem as - I am also a perfectionist - like I got 70% in english assessment and I am still beating myself up about it and I can't help it!! Oh well, its also gives you incentive to do better next time!! But yeah...
  10. bored of sc

    How much weekend homework do you have?

    isn't half way through year 11 term 2, week 4/5 (???) why are your 1/2 yearlys so early??
  11. bored of sc

    How much weekend homework do you have?

    A fair bit I have yet to start cause I was taking a break!! Using the subject checklist strategy English - none set Maths - Finish functions topic Extension - Study for Tuesday's test epp!! Chemistry - do a timeline for history of metals :sleep: I hate history in any form!! PDHPE - none set...
  12. bored of sc

    11Units Too Risky??

    Re: 11Unitss Too Risky?? no, its a good amount - 10 is too risky; 12+ and its getting too much work to wade through
  13. bored of sc

    subject selection regrets..

    yuck, the imagery in my head
  14. bored of sc

    Journeys film

    no, but if you get started yourself and then ask for some help than sure, no worries :)
  15. bored of sc

    Differentiating 2^x

    what is differentiation??
  16. bored of sc

    In response to Permutations and Combinations Thread Question

    yer, i think - all the stuff I am saying is merely logic and reasoning cause I haven't done this factorial stuff yet :(
  17. bored of sc

    In response to Permutations and Combinations Thread Question

    don't forget the product rule - just multiplying each event P.S that's the only thing I have done for that topic in extension maths so far :(
  18. bored of sc

    In response to Permutations and Combinations Thread Question

    you count both A's as one kinda thing - so there can't be A1 and A2 - well that's what I think anyway
  19. bored of sc

    In response to Permutations and Combinations Thread Question

    I am guessing you worked out your error in working and took the thread off!
  20. bored of sc

    In response to Permutations and Combinations Thread Question

    P.S I haven't done this topic in depth yet - so I am probably wrong!