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  1. bored of sc

    In response to Permutations and Combinations Thread Question

    Um, the thread wasn't working so I created this one. Um, you should mulitply your answer by four cause there are 4 possible places where you can have two vowels in succession. Hope that's right!
  2. bored of sc

    Your Top/worst Subject?

    i do chemistry and english advanced as the same subjects as you you dominated both those in year 11!! can I have your answers and brain please? ;) by the way - I am doing okay in each of advanced english and chemistry - english standing on 70% :( and chemistry haven't got any tasks...
  3. bored of sc

    Acceleration in Maths!!!!!!

    past papers are the best never forget that just don't do too many too early!!
  4. bored of sc

    Your Top/worst Subject?

    True, but if someone doesn't have the type of intellectual capacity to do maths but still wants to do it in a future course - they should definitely reassess their possibilities
  5. bored of sc

    Schools Reputation + Students marks

    that's quite a generalisation you've got there - but has a base truth - as most stereotypes do ;)
  6. bored of sc

    English Texts, Devices, Elements and Techniques

    cool technique - will store that one in the memory bank :) thanks
  7. bored of sc

    English (Advanced) Area of Study Assessment Task

    well, my teacher is VERY stupid and wrong !!
  8. bored of sc

    English Texts, Devices, Elements and Techniques

    really? it was the head of english of my school who told me it wasn't - but i think he was trying to get across that descriptive language (as you implied above) is a very general technique so its not the the best one to get you higher marks in a english response p.s. is pathetic fallacy a...
  9. bored of sc

    English Texts, Devices, Elements and Techniques

    and oh, not all of these are techniques for obvious reasons (e.g. composer)
  10. bored of sc

    English Texts, Devices, Elements and Techniques

    i was told desriptive language isn't a technique - refer to the post on english assessment task to do with sally morgan's My Place
  11. bored of sc

    Science Practical Portfolio

    oh okay - i think we covered that ratio concept through the electrolysis of water - cause hydrogen and oxygen are in a ratio of 2:1 respectively so the amount of hydrogen is double oxygen with water is electrolysed (i think that is a word)
  12. bored of sc

    English (Advanced) Area of Study Assessment Task

    purely in the nature of helping you all (i don't wanna be annoying or anything) - but I got told descriptive language is not a technique but is a style created through use of other techniques (like similes, metaphors, adjectives, adverbs etc) but I am sure your english teachers will pass it as a...
  13. bored of sc

    Your Top/worst Subject?

    if people say maths is terrible and blah, blah and say they fail it and hate it with a vengence - than why do you do the damn subject? not what you thought maths was like? eh - too bad - so sad!!!! :apig:
  14. bored of sc

    How long are your classes??

    Re: How long are your periods?? oh, my timetable has 6 days. Thursday is always DAY 6 but the other 5 days cycle around the other four days of the week - so if in week 1 monday was day 1 then week 2 monday would be day 5 etc etc hope that makes sense if it doesn't feel free to post that I...
  15. bored of sc

    How many extensions?

    people at our school say english extension has the most work too - because they chill out (eating cake and biscuits (literally)) and then get one week to do a 2000 word story and speech :( i am sad i didn't do it for the free cake :( but i am happy cause the workload is large; too large :)
  16. bored of sc

    English Essay, Physical Journey

    Great analyses - as it is succinct in its expression, eloquently written and genuinely heartfealt :) The only main criticism I have is that are using 'I' alot. This gives your responses less credibility and more subjectivity. Make all you repsponses third person - impersonalise it so it...
  17. bored of sc

    English Texts, Devices, Elements and Techniques

    to provide a starting point for people if they want to know what a particular techniques means they can look it up themselves - this is merely a basis and no, I thought of/knew alot of them myself but used prompts (in the sense I went to the internet) to get further techniques
  18. bored of sc

    English Texts, Devices, Elements and Techniques

    I am in a good mood so I am going to post up the longest list of english techniques and other things ever created. Feel free to post up too and make the list more comprehensive! Starting it off - metaphor simile personification allusion multi-sensory imagery imagery first...
  19. bored of sc

    List of Techniques

    English Texts, Devices, Elements and Techniques I am in a good mood so I am going to post up the longest list of english techniques and other things ever created. Feel free to post up too and make the list more comprehensive! Starting it off - metaphor simile personification allusion...