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  1. C

    America is rearing up to attack Iran...

    HotShot: So you're in favour of putting Saddam back into power in Iraq, and you'd rather the Americans hadn't done anything in WWII and let the Japs invade. How and why does anyone on this forum take you seriously? ... Because Iran's president raves on about wiping Israel off the face of...
  2. C

    Oh let the sun beat down upon my face....

    I guess they deserve credit for Kashmir, if nothing else then for it being one of the songs they wrote entirely themselves.
  3. C

    Your Anthems

    The Anthem - Good Charlotte ... What? I'm serious!
  4. C

    HARRY POTTER & THE HBP - what did you think? (SPOILERS!)

    The first two movies were so horribly childish that even some of the adult actors sounded heaps fake and contrived (the Weasely parents in CoS... so bad).
  5. C

    Homosexuality in Australia

    As if you two don't wanna have a threesome with Quah. That sounds pretty hot. Except for the Quah part.
  6. C

    Does she like me?

    She may or may not like you, but in the time it took to post this thread and check it for replies, you could have asked her out, twice. Think about that.
  7. C

    Stem Cell Research, Genetic Engineering

    Yay! Woudln't it be good if we could all ignore him, so every thread wouldn't turn into a 30 page semantics argument with a complete moron. He''s seriously ruining the forum. On topic: Embryos are not people, even to the devoutly religious this ought to be clear.
  8. C

    R.I.P Proof (of D12)

    What a fuckwit ...technically it'd be called D10.
  9. C

    HARRY POTTER & THE HBP - what did you think? (SPOILERS!)

    LOL i think if they were 10 minute comedy sketches or were a series of operas each in three parts totalling 30 hours each, they'd all still break records solely because of what they're based on. *...imagines an HP opera*
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    Unis seen as entry factories

    Well we agree there, I fucking hate bogans talking in lectures too.
  11. C

    Unis seen as entry factories

    I find you more racist for the assertion that non-whites can't be racist. I also find it annoying that your kind don't understand social conventions like "walking on the left side of a narrow path in not-quadruple file"
  12. C

    Protest Music There's a few hundred or so.
  13. C

    Does God exist?

    The rest of us are horrified. If I ever wanted to prove God didn't exist, I'd ask you to prove that He did.
  14. C

    America is rearing up to attack Iran...

    ...the one the UN heartily condemned, but look what it might have saved from happening since. I'd be in favour of the Israelis doing it again to Iran.
  15. C

    America is rearing up to attack Iran...

    And because he's putting the country in more debt than exists currency on the planet, but anyway...
  16. C

    HARRY POTTER & THE HBP - what did you think? (SPOILERS!)

    You're just one of them fangirls that bags out Emma like how they say "omg she's too pretty she ruined Hermione... etc." because you're, I dunno, maybe jealous our something. Fucking fangirls.
  17. C

    Nirvana Appreciation Thread

    I think it was actually a shotgun that killed him.