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  1. C

    Nirvana Appreciation Thread

    How did Kurt Cobain collect his thoughts? With a shovel. Whats the difference between Kurt Cobain and a mug of beer? A beer still looks good when you blow the head off. What was the best cure for Kurt Cobain's depression? 10-gauge buckshot. What was the last thing to go through Kurt...
  2. C

    Your 'thing'. (not about penises)

    Fucking Asians hijacked the 'using-small-font-to-indicate-you're-whispering' thing by using it all the time.
  3. C

    Your 'thing'. (not about penises)

    Too bad most of the first half, fall into the first line of the second half.
  4. C

    Will I ever get another gf :(

    Says Mr. 4 Inch
  5. C

    Does God exist?

    I'm not a fan of Easter; all the eggs and rabbits remind me more of fertility-worship than the Ressurection, a rather pagan sort of thing. Which as you'd know, it was. I wonder how many Catholics remember it was a hijacked pagan festival.
  6. C

    NRL : The Official NRL Thread 2006

    lol dragons
  7. C

    Boys, really, what's wrong with you?

    Yeah, my old mate Bill's like that, sometimes.
  8. C

    Premium Memberships

    I reckon if you manage to have NetBank transfers, you'll get some 500% more premium members simply due to PayPal being so off-putting.
  9. C

    roots of complex number

    Woah, that looks hard, or at least, very, algebraic. Euler's formula makes it so much easier.
  10. C

    Back to the 70's for good rock?

    Yeah but look at that paragraph and replace "mainstream rap" with "all current mainstream pop music" and it's just as true; rap isn't really much worse than the rest of it. (I'm clearly referring to current MAINSTREAM pop music, like the stuff on VideoHits, etc. not all music from today, so...
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    Muslim People in Australia

    Why don't you just leave bos?
  12. C

    Muslim People in Australia

    Certain hadith give a picture of Isa's physical appearance: "While I was sleeping, I saw myself (in a dream), performing Tawaf (circumambulation of the House of God in Makkah). I saw a reddish-white man with lank hair, with water dripping from his head, I asked, "Who is this?" They...
  13. C

    Back to the 70's for good rock?

    Ror, I hope you know that Led Zep were, according to most accounts, shit live. Furthermore, all post 1969 Pink Floyd = boring, overrated and written no less for mass-consumption than the pop music of today. Same for most of the shit genavania listed.
  14. C

    Australian uranium and China

    Re: Uranium China gets nuclear weapons, then signs a treaty a few years later. India doesn't sign the treaty and gets nuclear weapons a few years after the treaty was signed. But somehow China are safe to sell shit to, but not India. Oh yeah, India is a democracy, too.
  15. C

    Does God exist?

    You're wrong.
  16. C

    Does God exist?

    If you're ever in the Archaeological Museum of Amman, I highly reccommend the Dead Sea Scrolls.
  17. C

    White chicks and Asian Guys

    Apparently in England the term "Asian" refers more to curries, while in Australia when we say just "Asian" we mean mainly chinese/japanese/korean.
  18. C

    Muslim People in Australia

    As far as you can see huh? So, what part of Iraq are you currently in? Are you using binoculars, or a telescope?
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    Vote which cooling is the best

    I simply keep my computer immersed in dry ice at all times.
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    The "HA! It is possible that I may fail" thread

    As if you wouldn't fail, not from a lack of effort, but because you're just too damned stupid to be going to university. *enrolls in tafe*