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  1. C

    First Years

    Does anyone else currently (like, after a whole 3 days) feel like a moron who should drop out and go full time at mcdonalds?
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    Proposal: No God in NCAP.

    Isn't it funny though that this thread was IMMEDIATELY hijacked by HotShot and turned into a clone of the other God discussions? It's almost like what happened with the cartoons
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    First Years

    I've caught the bus everyday, haven't looked at a map and haven't worn anything but that. Oh yeah, B Engineering, Callaghan. Also, today I discovered that 6 - 8pm lectures are far better than the morning alternative.
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    Religion: Does It Do More Harm Than Good?

    Why is evolution always the first theory to come up in these religion vs science type things? I'd like to see Quantum Chromodynamics come under the same scrutiny by organised religious types.
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    hot uni people

    I feel that the push-pop epitomises the 90's.
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    Slaughterhouse Practices

    Re: crippling cows before killing them in iran The fact that they've studied Module C of HSC Advanced English and are therefore higher and mightier than TT or ACA and are far above the brainwashing powers of these 2 programs. That and the fact that ACA and TT are incredibly emotional and...
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    Religion: Does It Do More Harm Than Good?

    I don't understand why there needs to be any "Religion vs Science". As a Christian studying science-related courses at university, I don't feel any conflict between science and religion. As a protestant, I think the Roman-Catholic Church provides a good example of what happens when religion...
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    Muhammad Cartoon Controversy

    What annoys me the most is when the Muslims on here make a post that indicates sympathy and agreement with the actions of Terrorist groups, the Iranian government, etc. then when someone else makes an association between Muslims in general they're the first to come out with the '1 billion'...
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    "Mum, dad... I am gay"

    If I told my parents that I was gay they'd be like "Yeah, we already figured that out". Even though I'm not.
  10. C

    Does God exist?

    So basically cover up for everyone except those who are statistically most likely to rape you? In this society he'd probably make fun of the one wearing Hijab.
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    HARRY POTTER & THE HBP - what did you think? (SPOILERS!)

    That evil dude back in 1945?
  12. C

    Does God exist?

    Can you point me to anything that backs this up?
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    Muhammad Cartoon Controversy

    So if the small fraction that did riot do not represent you or the majority of Muslims, why do you and indeed a 'considerable fraction' prefer to try to justify the rioting rather than distancing yourself from it and those who did it?
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    Muhammad Cartoon Controversy

    And if you want the thoughts of someone who is, I'd tell you that it's absurd comparing the values and norms of the Medieval world to today. People seem to throw around "The Crusades" a lot without knowing much about the period. Let's see... Rise of Seljuk Turks, Battle of Manzikert...
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    Maths vs. English

    I think that being a 17 year old girl your beliefs and ideas probably suck and you'd be better off learning to apply some logical thinking... I can't come up with any life skills from what was in advanced english :confused: plus first year uni maths (and physics) doesn't appear to be that...
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    Sydney - Planning for the future?

    The State Government's Official Plan for Sydney's Sustainable future in one simple diagram
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    hot uni people

    Nigga wut?
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    Yay we have our own sub forum finally

    Ah, you mean, talk about nerd-stuff?
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    'Make Poverty History'

    Are there even any governments in Africa that aren't corrupt? Oh, I know, maybe in Sudan. But only because they don't have a government.
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    Muhammad Cartoon Controversy

    Re: Jihad Against Danish Newspaper Yep.