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  1. C

    Helping a gay friend

    Gay people are attracted to others of the same gender.
  2. C

    Favourite Character?

    My favourite character is Sirius Black. He's so... No, wait. My favourite character would be Alex from A Clockwork Orange.
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    I hate Rove

    Ok, so maybe Rove isn't that bad. I still hate him but.
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    I hate Rove

    I really, REALLY hate Rove.
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    I hate Rove

    I really, hate Rove.
  6. C

    Tommorrow when the War Began

    This series got steadily worse as it went on. Marsden is a pretty disturbed guy, too.
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    I hate Rove

    I hate Rove so much, I'm going to make 15 consecutive posts about it. I hate Rove.
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    Studying notes

    Don't memorise, you'll fail the HSC like I did.
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    It's a pyramid scheme
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    HSC Assessments- Thoughts/Results

    No, it's horribly unfair.
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    need some help

    The specimen papers were released back in 01 or whenever the New HSC started so people could see what the exam papers would be like. Hence there was only one for each subject. You can get them off the Board of Studies site.
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    Muslim People in Australia

    Mohammed was a man I mean, he was a prophet-man Or maybe he was just a prophet but he was still MUHAMMED! MUHAMMED! JIHAD'ING THE COUNTRYSIDE JIHAD'ING ALL THE PEASANTS JIHAD'ING ALL THE PEOPLE IN THEIR THATCH ROOFED COTTAGES!!!
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    Muslim People in Australia

    Well, we don't really have the ability to think, we're just socially constructed to think we can think. (Descartes was wrong!) You only posted on BOS because society told you to, you don't really want to. You know what I'd do if I were of the female persuasion? (and if I imagined hard...
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    Voldemort vs. Darth Vader, who would win?

    But if you want to go that way, Voldemort is the same guy who played AMON GOETHE, the man who snipered Jews just for the fun of it. There's nothing cooler than that.
  15. C

    Tertiary Forums Restructure Complete - Provide Feedback

    Re: Tertiary Forums Undergoing Major Restructuring Well why not have one for every uni in the country then? "OMG U MISSED THE UNIVERSITY OF DUBBO"
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    Burn a flag :)

    Well if you want to be technical about it, Australian soldiers fought under the Red Ensign, not our current flag.
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    First Years

    Internal transfer huh? Can you just do them like, right now? I thought you had to do it like at the end of the semester or end of the year.
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    Holocaust jailed.

    What's the difference, they're both crimes
  19. C

    Holocaust jailed.

    Well then I'll rape you, go into hiding for 17 years and then come back and you'll not want me to be charged then?
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    Golf drivers