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  1. C

    German court convicts man for insulting Islam

    Talk about academic justification, doing something to Catholics in this country would be the epitome of academia!
  2. C

    Drug Legalisation

    More like those that do it are phased by those strange people that don't.
  3. C

    Religion: Does It Do More Harm Than Good?

    Oh, right. I thought you were talking about religion. Using this definition you could include every program that was fictional, or not news/documentary. Umm, unless the issue is something to do with religion or the church the news doesn't ever say "And the christian point of view on this...
  4. C

    Religion: Does It Do More Harm Than Good?

    Skyscrapers with company logos? :p With 23 hours a day of secular programs, I think it's safe to let the evangelist nuts keep the 4 - 5pm timeslot. None of their 3 viewers take them too seriously anyway. You know for all the stereotyping about that, never have I had this happen to me, or...
  5. C

    do you ever get over

    When the third kid is a dwarf.
  6. C

    Helping a gay friend

    This thread is about providing assistance to a homosexual companion.
  7. C

    whats the most you have spent on a pair of shoes?

    How much is a pair of shoes worth?
  8. C

    Helping a gay friend

    Because they're gay.
  9. C

    Helping a gay friend

    Gay people are often victimised by sweeping generalisations and stereotypes.
  10. C

    I hate Rove

    Rove is the 2nd coming of Mohammed
  11. C

    Helping a gay friend

    Gay people like to attend mardi grasssss and go to gay bars and wear clothing deemed inappropriate by wider society.
  12. C

    I hate Rove

    This forum has 30 second flood control :(
  13. C

    Helping a gay friend

    That would make you a homosexual.
  14. C

    I hate Rove

    Rove kills babies
  15. C

    I hate Rove

  16. C

    I hate Rove

    I'm going stop pretending this is a meaninful post and just say +1
  17. C

    I hate Rove

    It's probably his fault anyway.
  18. C

    I hate Rove

    I'm not going to win the internet race. I blame Rove.