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  1. bored of sc

    Do you need to include author, date, publisher, etc when referencing a website??

    Just a quick question. When doing my PDHPE bibliography - I only wrote the weblink and date accessed. But do you need to put author, title of website etc; or is that just an extra? Confused :uhoh: Thanks in advance :)
  2. bored of sc

    Extension English 1

    What is the prescribed text?? Um, any crime fiction text you can find should work fine due to the very general nature of the question. Google - "crime fiction texts".
  3. bored of sc

    How many extensions?

    At our school 10-15 to do each of maths and english extensions. Which is not alot considering our year group has about 100 people.
  4. bored of sc

    English Othello Task

    Trust me - english is my weakness! I usually get B's in the 70's for it. But I am trying hard to improve :)
  5. bored of sc


    Isn't 'i' an 'imaginary' number - which is the square root of -1 (which doesn't exist in the our real number system). You learn a topic in 4U maths known as the complex number system where 'i' is used alot. Apparently its not too hard at all - my teacher said its the easiest topic in 4U maths. ;)
  6. bored of sc

    Looking for exam papers

    I need: SOR 1 Advanced English Maths Ext. Maths PDHPE Chem Music
  7. bored of sc

    Year 11 stress...

    My PDHPE teacher said that this used to be the case. So the all the smart Asians (obvious generalisation) would still get such a high UAI and fail english.
  8. bored of sc

    Year 11 stress...

    Dedicate a little more time to english. I'm kinda the same (english being my weakest subject) so I feel your pain. When writing essays I learnt and have been told to keep expression simple (simple sentences) but to add sophisticated language and comments. I am sure you are smart enough (cause...
  9. bored of sc

    Child's Book - Adversity

    Little Miss Muffet suffers adversity, but she doesn't overcome it. :(
  10. bored of sc

    Year 11 stress...

    Year 11 Stress... is normal. Its meant to take a while to settle in the routine and masses of work. DOn't worry. Time will be on your side and soon enough you will be fine - used to the workload and difficulty. :)
  11. bored of sc


    Religion - 95% - Top 3 English - 80% - Top 10 Mathematics - 95% - Top 1 Extension Maths - 80% - Top 3 Chemistry - 80% - Top 3 Music - 90% - Top 1 PDHPE - 90% - Top 1 Haha, looks like alot of work for me :(
  12. bored of sc


    What are your goals as far as marks and ranks go for each subject?
  13. bored of sc

    Chemistry Questions

    Ionic compounds are usually metals joining with non-metals, e.g. sodium chloride. Covalent are usually two non-metals, e.g. water - hydrogen and oxygen. I'm not exactly sure what you mean but all I know is that in ionic compounds metals are present. As for the rest of the stuff - lyounamu got...
  14. bored of sc


    Use a couple of the poems people have posted up here like "A Childhood Forgotten" and others - really most texts represent anyway.
  15. bored of sc

    Competition - low or high?

    Not too bad - english is quite competitive but the rest is pretty layed back. :)
  16. bored of sc

    How much weekend homework do you have?

    Maths - functions stuff Extension maths - HSC circle geometry Chemistry - prepare for wednesday's prac assessment PDHPE - finish super hard drug assignment :( Music - finish 2 assignments :(
  17. bored of sc

    school population

    Um, not sure, all I know is our year 11 cohort is big compared to previous years.
  18. bored of sc

    Your yr 11 eng AoS

    I'm pretty sure our english department think us 09ers are the smartest bunch of english students cause we have already done like 5 HSC texts durings years 8-10.
  19. bored of sc

    What does it typically take to get 99

    ALOT of study and a medium to high band 6 (93-100) 10 units of subjects! And oh, some luck!
  20. bored of sc

    2009ers: How was your school day?

    Okay PDHPE - normality was crapity English - intro to new module - POETRY - meh. Free - nothing Maths - test - pretty hard Religion - watched ten canoes Music - interrupted for Easter litugy thing yay! four day weekend