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  1. bored of sc

    School Reports

    A's for everything on the school certificate but a B for english on the school report and A10 for maths on the school certificate how weird > my school report result for maths was higher than the school certificate test result (report = 98 and sc test = 93)
  2. bored of sc

    Predict your Marks and Bands

    finally got my results back :) and went considerably better than my predictions actual results english - 94 maths - 93 science - 91 history - 92 geography - 98 computers - 93 predictions were english - 80 maths - 91 science - 86 history - 84 geography - 90 computers - 87 so got higher...
  3. bored of sc

    What is your test result AVERAGE??

    yer, get them this arvo at some presentation evening thing
  4. bored of sc

    What is your test result AVERAGE??

    i'd be so happy with that, even if 90-91 was my highest score for one subject i'd still be ecstatic
  5. bored of sc

    Did your school certificate test results and report marks differ much?

    Did your school certificate test results and report marks differ much? Alot of people would argue that the school certificate tests are easy to score high and people always score higher in them compared to the report mark. But did that happen for you guys?? Which mark was higher and in what...
  6. bored of sc

    has there been ANYONE who got a 100uai who did not go to a selective/private school?

    Re: has there been ANYONE who got a 100uai who did not go to a selective/private scho Newton's Third Law is wrong: Although it states that for each action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, there is no force equal in reaction to a Chuck Norris roundhouse kick.
  7. bored of sc

    Which subject did you score highest in??

    nah, i agree, it was very much interpretation and skills in the last 40 marks and sources/stimuli would have contributed to about half the entire marks on the paper
  8. bored of sc

    Which subject did you score highest in??

    But you got 99!!!
  9. bored of sc

    Do people actually ever get bands 1 or 2?

    People who get band 1's and 2's in english have trouble making sense. Go to the "standards package thread" to see what band 1/2 students write like in english; one person wrote 1 sentence for a whole page, they just kept saying 'and' plus they]re phrasing didn't make much sense. So if you think...
  10. bored of sc

    What is a GOOD mark?

    What do you guys consider a GOOD mark?? What grade or percentage is acceptable for you/makes you happy/content?? Me? I believe a high B and 80+ is a good mark I am happy with. And a low B 65-80 is okay if the test was particularly hard. And in maths I strive for straight A's 90+ all the time...
  11. bored of sc

    Which subject did you score highest in??

    it seems as though maths is the highest subject for most people, but it is pretty even, with english being the lowest 'forte' so far
  12. bored of sc

    SC Results Thread

    nah, get them on tuesday, all i want is a band 6 in maths and i think its going to be close (between 88-92 i reckon) so kinda nervous but just excited to get oh! you summed it up, SC = no biggies therefore no worries if you get average results, yeah, so happy! :)
  13. bored of sc

    Are you a maths or english person?

    yer, you're right but yer, creative or analytical??
  14. bored of sc

    What is your test result AVERAGE??

    You all have such high averages, do you all study high amounts of time?
  15. bored of sc

    Are you a maths or english person?

    I am a maths person, my highest trial score was maths and my lowest trial score was english, i just don't get some of the illogical things in english like complex philosophies (they really bore me)
  16. bored of sc

    Are you a maths or english person?

    Are you a maths or english person? what i mean is are you more creatively driven or is logic and reasioning the way to go? there is kinda a division of subjects that personify what kind of person you are, usually creative people like english, history, creative and performing arts and any...
  17. bored of sc

    What is your test result AVERAGE??

    your average 93.5 will still probably be higher than my highest grade *shame on me*, i am expecting all 4's and 5's
  18. bored of sc

    SC Results Thread

    there still pretty good considering the standard of this site, also, you were quite consistent, you didn't really bomb out in anything, so i'd be happy with those results (mind you, those are the results i am expecting)
  19. bored of sc

    What is your test result AVERAGE??

    that will be hard for anyone to beat! well done