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  1. bored of sc

    How much weekend homework do you have?

    Not that much really. English - Read/view Othello and read about 10 pages of notes on Iago, probably should do some individual research on the play too :( Maths - finish mixed factorisation exercies (not too hard, some are fairly tricky) Chemistry - do elements, compunds, mixtures...
  2. bored of sc

    2009ers: How was your school day?

    Re: How was your school day? same but for today (see date of post)
  3. bored of sc

    3 sciences or just 2?

    In HSC you can do senior science combined with physics, chemistry, biology or earth and environmental but you can't in prelim. Personally, I only do one science chemistry but that's just me, cause I hate science and all.
  4. bored of sc

    English Othello

    I am also doing Othello, but don't give up on it. I'm with you when you say "I don't understand it" cause it's practically written in jibberish for us. But with that said, try to understand it. The book I have is great because it has page summaries and word-translations, but you still have to...
  5. bored of sc

    When I got my first television set, I stopped caring about having close relationships

    Nice quote. Here's my thoughts (I tried to write it in an english-smart way but I did use first person and opinion a fair bit). Oh! I agree with the quote that technology can stand in the way of more important things but I argued that this a vice. "When I got my first television set, I...
  6. bored of sc

    Your yr 11 eng AoS

    Identity is the area of study - The Removalist For Electives 1) Textual Comparison - 1984 and V for Vendetta 2) Critical Study - Shakespeare's Othello 3) Marco History and the Individual (examining how personal history and world history are shaped and represented) - Poetry and non-fiction...
  7. bored of sc


    for quadratic equations (e.g x^2 - 7x + 6) work out what two numbers multiply to give AC and add to give B (A is the number in front of the x^2, B is the no. in front of the x and C is the thrid number) so in the above example A = 1, B = -7 and C = 6; so therefore we are looking for 2 numbers...
  8. bored of sc

    SC 2007 - Computing Skills

    on the board of studies site go to the online multiple choice and scroll down to the six school certificate subjects, they are good muliple choice practise
  9. bored of sc

    So how was Your first day in yr 11 09'ers!

    Good :) Had lectures about stuff, you know the drill, uniform, study, timetables etc and also had lessons, english, maths, religion and music. English and music just went through course info while maths did HSC past paper easy questions (arithmetic and algebra) and religion started the topic...
  10. bored of sc

    School / Subject

    Re: POLL - What school you at? Xavier Catholic College Ballina, which is north-east nsw, very different to all you Sydney peoples.
  11. bored of sc

    School begins 2moro...

    for me its thursday, but yer, pretty excited
  12. bored of sc

    advanced or ext english HELPPP!!!!

    Apparently extension english is easier than advanced.
  13. bored of sc

    Year 11, 2008

    excited about subjects like maths, music, pe but NOT about english, religion and chemistry nervous (a little unsure about what to expect, more pressure, heaps more work etc) um, that's about it I go back Thursday 31st!
  14. bored of sc

    SC 2007 - English-literacy

    Okay, english... my aim at the start of the year was a band 5 as throughout junior high-school I had been constantly achieving a 75-80 B grade. However, this year, well last year for year 10 I really knuckled and luckily got a good teacher, and it all paid off, top of my school - 94% (my trial...
  15. bored of sc

    SC 2007 - Science

    to that girl who got 92% accelerated, you beat me, I got 91 - thought this was arguably the hardest school certificate exam, thought I would let my teacher down who basically assured me a band 6, but gosh, after the exam I ruled myself out of getting it, however, i do know they align you upwards...
  16. bored of sc

    SC 2007 - Australian History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship

    History was the first surprise, 92!!! Expected low 80's. Must have just given marks for anything. MC, I thought, was hard and the other 30 marks weren't a bludge either. Hmmm, must have boosted my mark up at lot! But the biggest surprise was geography, coming out of the exam not too confident...
  17. bored of sc

    SC 2007 - Computing Skills

    Quite surprised at my 93% here as during the online test I thought to myself a number of times WTF? is the answer!
  18. bored of sc

    SC 2007 - Mathematics

    Although I achieved a band 6 (93) I am a little disappointed as looking back, I could have definitely got higher. Non-calc was great for me, as was mulitple choice however my downfall was the 20 mark free response at the end, I stuffed it up a fair bit. I thought WAY to hard on some of them and...
  19. bored of sc

    Chemistry or Senior Science?

    Should I do Chemistry or Senior Science (based on the following information)? I dislike practicals (espeically difficult ones) in science (no interest plus I'm pretty bad at them). I enjoy maths. I'd like a well rounded scientific understanding. I'm very average at the kinda 'creative'...
  20. bored of sc

    2008 Preliminary Roll Call

    See signature for year 11 subjects.