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  1. bored of sc

    How much should you be writing?

    I had the religion assessment task today and wrote 3 and a quarter pages in 40 minutes. I'm happy with that. Some people got 4 though :( I do understand its quality that matters but quantity is also good; provdided my essay was good; I think I achieved that balance of quality and quanitity.
  2. bored of sc

    AOS:Alienation TEXT:Othello NEED:related texts

    Cool, your doing Othello, I am too. But I can't help you with related texts because I am doing a critical study of Othello not as the area of study. I suggest texts where freak-type protagonists are all isolated (don't belong) and alienated and stuff. Um.... *thinking*...
  3. bored of sc

    Othello Thoughts

    I have noticed alot of you do Othello as your english text. I do too. What are your thoughts on it? Who's fault is it? What's your interpretation? I believe Iago is showing us the base truth associated with stereotypes (Othello ends up commiting the beastily act of murder therefore fulfilling...
  4. bored of sc

    Any specific goals in regards to HSC?

    A UAI of 98 or enough to get into a high level/advanced statistics or a pure maths course. That will probably change. But I wouldn't care too much if I achieved a UAI in the 90's provided it gets me the course I desire. Hope to get 95+% in mathematics and 90%+ in all my other subjects which...
  5. bored of sc

    2009ers: How was your school day?

    Pretty average. PDHPE did work on nature of drugs, double english :( went through our assignment which is an in class essay due inone week and I haven't started :( maths started functions, religion I basically did nothing and music we did stuff on scales. I wish I could knock over all my...
  6. bored of sc

    Help with PDHPE

    Thanks heaps
  7. bored of sc

    Changeing subjects Physics vs Business

    Do what you can manage, do well at and enjoy which sounds like business studies more than physics, but of course, as emphasised by all people on here: It's all up to YOU! Good luck with your choices.
  8. bored of sc

    Help with PDHPE

    I have a PDHPE assignment where we have to write an information report to the Federal Minister of Health entitled "Tackling Teenage Drug Use." I really need to find reliable, up to date, succinct statistics on the use of drugs (both legal - alcohol and illegal - canabis, ecstasy, heroin etc) by...
  9. bored of sc

    english AOS journeys help social + personal journey

    well personal means just you and social means how you interact with others so maybe personal journey is just one person's life experiences with themself and a social journey is a person's life experiences with the people around them i don't know, i just had a guess, don't trust me
  10. bored of sc

    Identity - Area of Study - Related Texts?

    Re: English Assessment Help Alot of texts have identity stuff. But what do the texts teach you? Moral lessons - e.g. to try to stop your racist actions? Um, I suggest the ones with identity crisises and journeys of self-discovery also go down well. Um, can you do non-fiction texts?? Cause...
  11. bored of sc

    How much should you be writing?

    How many pages should you get done in an hour? I know it depends on writing size and personal expectations, but yeah, any suggestions? At the moment for religion I can write 3-4 pages in 40 minutes. Is that enough??
  12. bored of sc

    Assignment Register

    Um, I don't know what advice to give but I am doing Othello too. Ours is a close, criticical study of text so we are meant to apply readings to it and stuff. Our assignment is soooooooooo hard!!! :mad: But its interesting nonetheless :read: ... I like Act 1 Scene 3, 76-296. Its really...
  13. bored of sc

    How difficult/easy is your subject?

    Religion - 7.5 English - 5.5 Maths - 9 Extension Maths - 8 Music - 9.5 PDHPE - 8.5 Chemistry - 4.5 Sorry, I just couldn't resist doing decimals, lol.
  14. bored of sc

    How much weekend homework do you have?

    A fair bit, 4 assignments and other homework. Meh, just get in and do it, I always say.
  15. bored of sc

    Assignment Register

    I'll start it off. Religion - Essay - Explain the ways in which the four characteristics of one religious tradition interact to create a dynamic, living religion. English - Essay - Explain how Shakespeare's Othello script can be interpreted in Sean McEvoy's way. Includes a quote by...
  16. bored of sc

    Assignment Register

    I think it may be a good idea to post the assignments we have since, chances are, we will have similiar assignments so we can discuss answers and responses to help each other out.
  17. bored of sc

    2009ers: How was your school day?

    School is okay, religion is pretty bad cause the people my class do NO work, so I just sit in the corner, listen to the teacher and write notes/essays/research/teach myself and stuff. English is goodish, cause we are having quite philosophical conversations about Shakespeare's Othello, but the...
  18. bored of sc

    English Texts- Authority

    A Few Good Men - that's the one with Jack Nicholson and Tom Cruise and Jack says "you can't handle the truth."
  19. bored of sc

    uRGENT HELP NEEDED 4 English! All help is appreciated!

    Maybe you should write a story about someone overcoming a terrible physical adversity, for example, being stuck somewhere. You could describe the surroundings and their physical and mental struggles that make up their journey. I know its a little chiche but oh well...
  20. bored of sc

    English Assessment Help!!!

    There are dozens of great non-fiction texts to be found on th internet about people like stuart diver, mark occhilupo, bethany hamilton etc. Find one by searching it into google.