Search results

  1. bored of sc

    What is your favourite subject?

    I'll get it going... favourite subject - sport science/PDHPE favourite subject area - maths
  2. bored of sc

    What is your favourite subject?

    What is your favourite subject and also post on the thread what your favourite subject AREA is... By subject areas I mean similiar subjects that categorise as one area. Some subject areas include... English Maths Sciences (biology, earth and environmental science, physics) Humanities...
  3. bored of sc

    Which subject did you score highest in??

    Geography and English, my two lowest trial scores. :)
  4. bored of sc

    New Years Resolution

    Start with the goal in sight. Create goals for yourself, reachable ones but ones that are attainable, for example a UAI of 95 say. Also, have percentage goals for each subject, again realistic ones. And if you know your career path then know what UAI/marks you need so you will be motivated to...
  5. bored of sc

    New Years Resolution

    To improve my english essays and responses! Same as you! And also to create more consistent study habits and do everything at 100%. Year 11 is a big step up (or so they keep saying) so I going to prioritise school cause in the long run, I'll be glad, if I achieve that is. Haha.
  6. bored of sc

    What are your career aspirations?

    can you change it or are there clashing lines or not enough time?
  7. bored of sc

    New Years Resolution

    What is/are your New Years Resolution(s) in regards to school? Is there a subject that you want to improve on greatly or a skill that needs further development? Curious to hear...
  8. bored of sc

    What are your career aspirations?

    me? something with maths, heavily maths based, like statistician but not engineering, or if thats not possible high-school maths teaching (maybe) but yeah, I'm like alot of you out there, don't know for sure and constantly changing! oh! what subjects are you doing for thee HSC Bettina?
  9. bored of sc

    What are your career aspirations?

    what subjects are you doing for HSC?
  10. bored of sc

    What are your career aspirations?

    What are you guys' dream jobs and what do you want to achieve??
  11. bored of sc

    Full marks in any school cert exam?

    I thought I went really well, but then there are people with a minimum of 96!!
  12. bored of sc

    2007 Top 200 School Rankings Daily Telegraph

    Ye-ah! My school got 93rd (it was 111th last year)!
  13. bored of sc

    yumm... studying snacks....

    people with dietary requirements (diabetes) may be allowed but I doubt you would be allowed to otherwise
  14. bored of sc

    SC Results Thread

    wow, your HSIE results are well, ... perfect!
  15. bored of sc

    Trials or SC

    it depended on the subject for me english trial - 76, school certificate - 94 (18% + in SC) maths trial - 99, school certificate - 93 (5% - in SC) science trial - 89, school certificate - 91 (2% + in SC) history trial - 94, school certifcate - 92 (2% - in SC) geography trial - 78, school...
  16. bored of sc

    SC Results Thread

    wow, you still managed 86 or higher when you stuffed up multiple choice! well done alot of people say school certificate results are NOT an indicator of what HSC subjects to take and i'd strongly second that, for example, in english, school certificate is skills but in HSC it is much more...
  17. bored of sc

    Which subject did you score highest in??

    Geography but it should've been maths in order of ability for me.
  18. bored of sc

    SC Results Thread

    thanks, well done on your results too
  19. bored of sc

    Did your school certificate test results and report marks differ much?

    My school certificate marks were on the whole better than report marks. Subject difference percentage between school certificate and school report marks (marks written in brackets) English 15% (SC - 94, SR - 79) Maths 5% (SC - 93, SR - 98) Science 4% (SC - 91, SR - 87) History 2% (SC -...
  20. bored of sc

    SC Results Thread

    So happy with my results Subject - Mark - Band English - 94 - 6 Mathematics - 93 - 6 Science - 91 - 6 Geography - 98 - 6 History - 92 - 6 Computing Skills - 93 - Highly Competent :)