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  1. C

    Where the debates meet: Birth-rates, immigration and Islam

    Immigration can't be debated by actual governments so who cares? Plus if no one wants to have kids we don't have much of a choice.
  2. C

    Where the debates meet: Birth-rates, immigration and Islam

    Progressive as in left-wing as in socialist, I suppose he means. I think it was a bit extreme when he implied there might be a Yemeni empire in the next generation. It's also the first time I've ever read a prediction of China not becoming a superpower, which is at odds with a lot of...
  3. C

    not all christians are boring stereotypical bible bashers

    Let us accept the idea of relativism; that there are no absolute rights or wrongs but our beliefs are dictated by our culture. For example, in Culture A, sex before marriage is acceptable, while in Culture B, it is not. If someone from Culture A and another from Culture B were to argue on...
  4. C

    RU486 will make us muslim,5744,18159605%255E7583,00.html
  5. C

    After the HSC...

    Not really. It does give you the right to use this cool font though.
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    not all christians are boring stereotypical bible bashers

    Postmodernism and interpretation and such present no challenge to the idea that there is absolute right and wrong, as they are simply, absolutely wrong.
  7. C

    Muhammad Cartoon Controversy

    Tell that to the Imams, not us. (and the mullahs, shieks, muftis, and whatever else they call themselves)
  8. C

    Muhammad Cartoon Controversy

    If the world doesn't do anything about Iran then cartoons about Jews won't offend anybody at all. (sort of)
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    Marriage. Neccessary?

    Well, I'd think children might be happier and healthier with separated parents than in a bad marriage (with fights, abuse, alcohol abuse etc.). That said, if marriage is about responsibility as you say, that may be why they fail so often lately, as everyone carries on about their rights but...
  10. C

    Religion: Does It Do More Harm Than Good?

    Stalin, Mao and to a lesser extent Hitler and Jacobin France all banned religion and they weren't exactly lovely societies to live in. Also, did you mean to say christianity on a personal level does more good than harm?
  11. C

    Book List

    It could mean they haven't got them in yet; in my case there was an entry for a course on the co-op site but not on ucb, and when I asked at ucb they checked and simply had not ordered this particular book yet. So just wait a while and they might appear. If they don't, then you may use...
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    Muhammad Cartoon Controversy

    Which is why African countries with more catholics have less AIDS
  13. C

    Book List

    Engineering, only 1 book for each of 3 of 4 subjects so far. You probably won't have to take them at all.
  14. C

    How manyt units did/do you do, and what UAI did/u aim to get?

    That's odd, almost everything else fell considerably this year; 81 to 75 for me for example. Anyway, I did 11 units and strongly recommend against it (do 10 or 12 instead) because I put no effort into the 11th unit and had to teach myself the course in the holidays.
  15. C

    Book List

    That's lots! I've spent $225 so far, have another $100 to spend when they get the book in and one course left that doesn't have any entry on either site.
  16. C

    Muhammad Cartoon Controversy

    It's true, Christianity especially has changed greatly, particuarly in the reformation and renaissance period. Prior to this it had a lot in common with Islam in terms of backward-ness, unfortunately Islam has not undergone such a change.
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    Muhammad Cartoon Controversy

    In my opinion this seems to have less and less to do with Islam itself as more facts are revealed (the fake pictures, imams stirring things up, government propaganda) and more to do with how easy it is to get a large group of young men to act like morons if you give them someone to hate, whether...
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    Iemma's dirty mouth

    Forget health, policing and education, the next state election will be won on pronunciation, enunciation and intonation!
  19. C

    Ministerial Responsibility

    Ok, so everyone suddenly cares. What now? Vote in the opposition (state or federal) and have them do the same thing?
  20. C

    Marriage. Neccessary?

    What's the point of anything in life other than food and possibly shelter and clothing and health-related things? Because people want to. *waits for the intellectuals to explain to him how people only get married because they're conditioned to want to by society or some crap like that*...