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  1. C

    Muhammad Cartoon Controversy

    Re: Jihad Against Danish Newspaper But in which of the above cases was there violence? Anti semitism in arab cartoons
  2. C

    How do u pick up a mcdonalds employee?

    This, fellow BOS members, is an average fellow resdient of my lovely fucking city. You Sydney people probably think he's just making this stuff up out of nowhere. On topic: Wait until you have real, REAL severe dyssentry, so you can make a big mess in the mctoilets. Then go ask for her...
  3. C

    the best UK band EVER

    You're right, but I think that believing U2 are a good band is far, far more shameful than believing that Ireland is part of the UK.
  4. C

    the best UK band EVER

  5. C

    Muhammad Cartoon Controversy

    Re: Jihad Against Danish Newspaper Because they [the mobs of Palestinians] are [metaphorically speaking] like a bunch of over testosterone driven little boys with no discipline, throwing tantrums when something happens that they don't like, and looking for excuses to be violent.
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    Boat Floaters

    Even less so when it's rape by the Spanish Inquisition.
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    Muhammad Cartoon Controversy

    Re: Jihad Against Danish Newspaper Academics can start by not telling us what to do. If Muslims don't like it, they should boycott Europe, by leaving.
  8. C

    Full School Rankings For 2005?

    If someone had too much time on their hands they could take the regional data and rank it into one big list. ie. I'll do it tomorrow.
  9. C

    Muhammad Cartoon Controversy

    Re: Jihad Against Danish Newspaper Question for everyone: From a secular point of view, which is more offensive in a newspaper cartoon? a) A guy in a turban, or b) John Howard and co being depicted eating babies? (Leunig, The Age)
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    Muhammad Cartoon Controversy

    Re: Jihad Against Danish Newspaper Why would he need to when the majority of western journalists will do it for him? Like that one that the hostage takers in Iraq released when they discovered the journalist was vocally anti-bush.
  11. C

    Muhammad Cartoon Controversy

    Re: Jihad Against Danish Newspaper Hahah, breasts, love it. Seriously though, I agree with the Queen of Denmark: And especially when she describes them as "these people for whom religion is their entire lives". Although, even...
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    Hand over Hand vs. Pull/Push steering method?

    That method sounds less than useful when you're driving a 1970's Ford station wagon with no power steering.
  13. C

    Boat People

    Yeah, we'll line our, umm, borders, with landmines. Good one. Hopefully it'll keep them there Queenslanders out!
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    Muhammad Cartoon Controversy

    Re: Jihad Against Danish Newspaper Most Christians would probably just think of the person insulting Jesus as being immature and unintelligent, which they probably are. You know, like 'turning the other cheek'.
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    Muhammad Cartoon Controversy

    Re: Jihad Against Danish Newspaper One thing you have to accept though, is, those cartoons are pretty funny.
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    Use of the word 'racism'

    OMG, well I'm a member of both the Prometheus society AND the Triple 9 Society. I also hold several PhD's. So yeah. But either way, you're still wrong.
  17. C

    Muhammad Cartoon Controversy

    Re: Jihad Against Danish Newspaper And yet here in Australia, there's like an entire culture of making fun of Jesus, eg. "Piss Christ", the, umm, 'art' piece consisting of a crucifix that had been urinated on. But obviously, bombing is fair and reasonable retribution for, umm, drawing...
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    Use of the word 'racism'

    You would have fit right in then.
  19. C

    Use of the word 'racism'

    I propose putting krabby in a remote community, in another country (so his education is invalid), take away his money, credit card etc, give him a shit heap to live in, a few tropical diseases, maybe an addiction to alcohol or petrol sniffing, and tell him to get a job. If he fails after...
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    Scars from acne

    If you have hyperpigmentation, it will never go away. Ever. No matter what you put on it.