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  1. C

    Not enough people getting married.

    Wait, hang on... You're saying people should do what's best for themselves, individually, even if it's selfish. But you're also a self-proclaimed socialist/communist/lesbian-witch-commune person. wtf?
  2. C

    Not enough people getting married.

    Hitler knew best that it was probably the Jews who instigated feminism, because they knew quite well the white birthrate would drop when women were given their rights. I mean, the mud people birthrate hasn't suffered at all.
  3. C

    Not enough people getting married.

    If birth rates, marriages, divorces and life expectancy continues along the current trend, eventually: We'll get married for the first time at about 50, live to about 150 on average, and our entire population will come from immigration because no one will have kids anymore.
  4. C


    Are there any that you have to tick? I was worried I'd not-join something that you have to join because of it being compulsory.
  5. C


    With architecture alone you get a certain number of free electives you can choose whatever you want in. If you combine with arts, you will use these electives to do your Arts subjects, and then make up the difference to complete the arts degree with the extra semester.
  6. C


    And also if you want to be forced to do Arts subjects as your free electives in the Architecture program.
  7. C

    UAC main-round offers; what'd you get?

    The University Of Newcastle Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) My UAI, 94.9 Course cutfoff, 75. I feel there will be many dropouts.
  8. C

    I'll be seeing YOU next year.

    I received an offer for B Engineering. Now the long and painful process of accepting the thing... So slow.
  9. C

    I Can't Get In!!!

    Yeah, try actually accepting the damn thing. I swear The University of Newcastle must be using a phone line and an old 200 baud modem Texas Instrument modem from the 1980's on their entire server.
  10. C

    24 hours till UAC offers

    The connection has timed out The server at is taking too long to respond. * The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few...
  11. C

    clashes with lectures and tutes in the SAME SUBJECT!!??

    Do you mean within the actual same course, as in on your timetable, for example: ABC101, lecture, 4pm tuesday ABC101, tutorial, 4pm tuesday, OR Do you mean within the same degree between different compulsary courses in that program, say Bachelor of Something, where ABC101 and ABC102...
  12. C

    Would you have an abortion?

    It's probably not as bad as all that shock-you-mentary lead you to believe.
  13. C

    Overrated Artists and Bands

    I don't think they're overrated as a whole, II and IV are certainly far overrated though.
  14. C

    Re Main Round Offers and Preferences

    I got my first preference, but YOU didn't get any of your preferences and now you have to go TAFE!
  15. C

    New to uni in 2006?

    What would be the point of this forum then? (Apart from flaming and bashing those that actually ask non-obvious questions that can't be answered by google, or
  16. C

    Job while studying??

    Ok, everyone's talking about hours and such. Well, I've got 25 hours/week, which is fairly average. On a uni site (I think it was Usyd's site) it said they expect roughly two hours of study outside class for every one hour of class you have each week. So that's like 50 hours of study per...
  17. C

    English Essay Memorisers!!!

    Awright, I plagiarised that definition of memorising too. Fine. Why bother doing anything you don't want to? I got a good enough mark, UAI, etc. to do what I want this year, and got to spend time reading and studying things that were of interest or useful. Clearly I'm well aware that when...
  18. C

    Iran to hang teenage girl attacked by rapists

    Hang on, we need some perspective here. We should actually be glad she's getting hung. See, if she'd let them rape her, she would have been stoned to death. So, would you rather be hung, or raped AND stoned to death? See, Allah is merciful!!!111 :chainsaw:
  19. C

    how fast can you type? how did you learn?

    Was that 120 on a qwerty keyboard? I can't keep that up for more than like thirty seconds before I start bashing random keys