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  1. C

    Uni preference

    No, he's getting 4 degrees, alternating between those universities.
  2. C

    Scholarship APP

    Well no, it could just make a difference if it's for different subjects, duration, value, and most importantly what the selection criteria is. Anyway, assuming the selection is based on academic/extracurricular merit, then you can start off by mentioning high results in relevant studies (HSC?)...
  3. C

    Scholarship APP

    What kinda scholarship is it, and uni course is it for?
  4. C

    Who is getting excited for uni?

    You couldn't be an airhead then, the UAI for physio is like 101 or something.
  5. C

    Who is getting excited for uni?

    Not me, I'm not excited in the least bit. I mean, I certainly haven't already purchased books and stationery, or already made my timetable from the uni's website, and I most definately have not started reading some stuff about the topics I'll be doing in each course. Not at all.
  6. C

    who got OVER 90 whoz school wasnt in the top 100?

    More like "Who got over 94 whose school wasn't in the top 500?" Well, I did. Anyway, if you go to a shit school and ur teh smart, all you have to do is be ranked first in everything and then your classmates can't drag you down. On the other hand, if you're ranked somewhere in the...
  7. C

    school ranking in 2005 hsc

    But doesn't every school say that, every year?
  8. C

    How many sexual partners have you had?

    You should have made this a public poll so you could laugh at those with 0. ...Like me.
  9. C

    statement tees

    You might like then. (how the hell did I get in this forum??) Also, that's a Winston Churchill quote. The same lady he said that once said to him "If I were your wife, I'd put poison in your drink" to which he replied "And I'd drink it"
  10. C

    Uni preference

    ...because you have an Asian fetish, then?
  11. C

    I like or am doing physics because...?

    Ah, scaling. What I find amusing is that there's this perpetual belief that physics has good scaling, so all the smart people choose it because they want high UAI's. But, scaling is only based on the overall performance of the canditature of a subject, (ie. subjects with lots of smart...
  12. C

    how do u study 4 uni???

    Your own ideas huh? Yay for maths!
  13. C

    any tips for 2006 phys students?

    My advice: Forget memorising the dotpoints, that's lame and boring. Get a hold of as many past papers, trials (especially the catholic school ones) and textbooks as you can and do all the trickiest/hardest problems in them. And keep doing them. There's no need to write out and memorise...
  14. C

    dot pt summarises

    Using scientific terminology is part of the syllabus, or maybe the requirements for the exam, I can't remember exactly where it was, but it's there. Another thing is, even the dotpoints that seem like you wouldn't need to write much, could be used as or incorporated into long answer questions...
  15. C

    Uni preference

    I shall be attending the University of Please Specify to obtain my Bachelor of Other. Then I can put "BO" after my name, to serve as a warning to others.
  16. C


    Science? More like an engineering forum. That's what we need.
  17. C

    Does God exist?

    My swiss army knife contains a keyboard. On topic: After 36 pages, no conclusion has been reached as to whether God exists. Who woulda thought.
  18. C

    Advice needed!! B. Business or Industrial design

    I may be a bit biased toward 'built environment' subjects, but seriously if industrial design is your 'dream course' then do it! You'll clearly do better in a degree/subjects that are of interest to you than in one you find boring. Consequently even if job demand is low you'll have as good a...
  19. C

    any "LiveJournal" users here?

    That journal is a confirmed fake. And OLD!
  20. C

    Forums down tonight for upgrade.

    It appears to have happened to a lot of non alphanumerical characters. Anyway, was changing the profiles into a mini-livejournal-userinfo-page absolutely needed?