Search results

  1. C

    covers that are better than the original?

    Avril's cover of Chop Suey is the most beautiful sound ever.
  2. C

    brain dead

    Well then you're the king of all masturbation. Plus that's mainly in the humanities.
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    brain dead

    I've forgotten how to find the first derivative of simple functions. I mean like y=x² simple. No idea. For all I know, a mole is a furry creature that you hit with a bat for fun. I've gone back to thinking radiation is green glowing stuff from cartoons My only knowledge of Ancient...
  4. C

    HARRY POTTER & THE HBP - what did you think? (SPOILERS!)

    I for one don't care what happens to who, just so long as Hagrid finally hooks up with the Giant Squid after all those years of (very strong) foreshadowing in the other books. If they did it'd be like so, err, ^______________^ *squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee* etc.
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    School Rankings by Region

    Check Lake Macquarie, a lot of schools around here are in that list too.
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    **The Official LED ZEPPELIN thread**

    Gallows Pole is classic but nothing on III beats Since I've Been Loving You. Achilles' Last Stand alone would be enough to make Presence the best album, even if the rest of the songs on it sucked.
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    Pocket Knives

    Pest control, hunting, sport, law enforcement, self defence, horse medicine, military purposes. Indeed.
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    100 UAI, 4 state rankings - English (Advanced), EE1, EE2 and Ext. History tutoring

    Congratulations. Laurie's still better though.
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    Bible verses often ignored by Christians

    Countries in Africa with more Catholics actually have less AIDS than the more non-Catholic countries. No sex before marriage prooves a more effective defense against AIDS than condoms...
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    Who Plans To Go To Newcastle Uni??

    Yes, Redneckville. We have a university here but they only teach cow-tipping and sheep-drenching and such. So I have to go to Newcastle for engineering.
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    Disabled people

    Kinda like the 0.00005% Aborigines on benefits then?
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    HARRY POTTER & THE HBP - what did you think? (SPOILERS!)

    So strange that some people shall be committing mass suicides upon their completion of reading book 7.
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    Who Plans To Go To Newcastle Uni??

    I Plan To Go To Newcastle Uni!! That is all.
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    Cheap Quality Tutoring Services

    Is it cheap as free?
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    School Rankings by Region

    Ooh, we beat Westy this year. Go us! Or rather, go me.
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    School Rankings by Region

    Well put up the link in case someone here does have membership.
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    Complete List of School Rankings - Not Top 200

    If not, a shiny new donkey to the man who types up the complete list. (although I might warn that typing large sections of copyright publications is frowned upon...)
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    If I didn't do physics..

    As if HSC physics is necessary to do any kind of engineering uni course in the world.
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    Overrated Artists and Bands

    I think you'll find the greatest song is actually 'Tribute' by Tenacious D.
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    Overrated Artists and Bands

    Mozart, A Musical Joke. I agree with the Eminem fan, though Eminem is hardly a genius.